22) Mystic Falls.

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Sitting in the car for hours isn't fun, expecily when you have two babies who kept crying. Kol and Rebekah stayed in New Orleans because Kol was an emotional wreck and Rebekah decided to take care of her older brother.

I was now the big sister I've always wanted to be, my father's girlfriend had given birth to my little brother, Henrick when I was locked up in a cave to starve to death, or until my body began to turn to a stone like thing.

The witch's had messaged me about mystic falls being a vamp & were zone again, so now that was good cause we could now go to our home.

I let my mind wander back to the day Chris came to new Orleans. He said something about his father, Tyler Lockwood being killed in a sacrifice, but that was impossible his dad never made it out of the other-side. Silas tricked us into believing it was Tyler.

Maybe Silas tricked Chris into doing this, but why did he come to me. He had to have more family right? If that happened to me I would go to my adaptive father in Ireland.

I decided to keep it tot myself until later when Chris wasn't around. Everyone was falling asleep as we drove past the 'welcome to mystic Falls' sign. It was dark and raining heavily, it made me feel more powerful. 

I didn't know if it was normal to feel powerful in the rain or was it got to do with nature, anyways it made me feel good and calm.

When the cars stopped outside the house I threw my bag into the hall. "I'm going for a walk, be back whenever." I yelled to no-one in particular.

I walked through the Forrest, people would probably think I'm crazy for doing it but I am the most powerful sort-of living person on the planet. 

Rain fell onto my face through the gaps in the trees, it felt good and cooling. My body had so much power in it, it would of killed a normal witch. 

I let myself concentrate on the sky, the rain picked up and a loud crack of thunder struck beside me, meters from my body. I did it again and again until I felt weaker than before. Controlling the elements took allot of work and power.

I was near the caves in my dream, the ones my unknown aunt is meant to be trapped in. I concentrate again on the thunder and it hit the cave wall causing rocks to fly everywhere. There lay a broken up box with about four large rocks on top. I lift up the rocks and look into the box. A girl with sandy blond hair and dark brown eyes lay asleep, her body was like stone with the lack of blood.

I pull her out of the tattered box and lay her on the Stoney ground. When I lay her down I took a stone and cut my wrist and pressed it to her mouth letting her drink from me. She greedily drank until I pulled away-from her. Her eyes flew open glowing yellow like my dads.

Her skin had a little colour in it now, I picked her up and carried her to the house lying her on the sofa. "Someone get me a blood-bag!" I yelled to anyone in the house. Elijah came into the room and looked at the still body.

"Who is that?" Elijah questioned handing me the bag. I squeeze the red liquid into her mouth and watched as her eyes lit up again.

"She's your sister." He left to get another blood bag and get his brother. When they came into the room with a hand full of blood-bags. My dad stood there in shock at his sister he never knew.

"Nikolina?" he spoke slowly walking towards her.  When he spoke her name I felt my eyes roll into the back of my head and began to chant words I didn't understand.

I could see the girl Nikolina. She was in a room with my father and siblings, the we 'dead', in transition, along with a man who must of being Mikeal.

"Estar! You must make our daughter like her brother." A tall strong man with long sandy-blond hair ordered pulling the girl 'Nikolina' into the room. She squirmed in his grasp and fought for freedom which did her no good, Estar brought a cup to her mouth and forced her to drink it. Her father drew his sword from his belt and plunged it into her heart.

"The spirits will not allow for two evil beings to run in the villages, so they bound them together, one feels lonely so will the other, one is hurt so will the other and if one dies the other will follow. You must get her out of her before the others wake, you must feed her this." Estar hands him a cup of human blood, he left with Nikolina before the others woke up.

"What did you see?" Elijah asked helping me stand up, I felt a little weak. Eyes were on me and Nikolina was starting to sit up and was drinking from a blood bag alone.

"It was Estar, she spoke of the spirits of bounding the immortal twins, the can feel what the other feels, if one dies the other along with them. I don't think it was you she was keeping the hybrid side from, I think it was Nikolina, if she turned off her humanity after killing that boy, she'd be the most ruthless person to walk the earth."

"So your saying that our mother feared her daughter's humanity so she tied it with Niklaus' and Mikeal knew of this and buried her alive." Elijah spoke and I nod.

"Where am I? what is this place?!" Nikolina asked in a panicked voice, she was looking around the room taking in the new worlds homes. I began to walk over to her but she began to cry and plea-ed me to go away, so I walked beck to original spot in the room.

"Okay.." I spoke breaking the silence in the room, "We have a bigger problem on our hands, Silas. We need to find him and kill him. We know he can deuces himself as anyone he wants us to see so we have to be careful and capture the right person."

"He is very powerful, so we need the power of almost 100 witch's." Elijah spoke.

"What about the house where the witch's died in 1864, where your mother tried to killlyou's?" Caroline brought up, it was a good idea, they would give me their powers to help me kill him.

"That could work but those witch's hate that someone has that much power. We could set a trap for him then kill him."

 I had a plan on how to bring Silas to his death but bringing him to his death would not solve our problems, his magic was unnatural not from nature. His magic could not be give back to the earth, it could not be given to me or my family because they were already immortal, I know someone who would take his magic and use it for the good of the world.

My family could not know who this person is because they could interrupt the spell and could kill this person. Now the next step for us to lure Silas to our trap and banish him forever.

Sorry for such a long wait on this chapter, I hope you's like it. :P

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