20) Memories lost.

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Silas' pov:

The other-side was taking months to fix. The people who died reticently have been trapped here but I can't figure out how to bring the others back. The anchor started to have a fit inside the tomb.

He took a sharp breath. "What is it?" I ask standing at the door. He breathes heavily and to have another fit. He blacks out and drops to the floor hard.

Elena and her other companions come into the cave. "What happened?" she asks worriedly.  "I think the dead have returned to the land of the living, now for step two. Bringing down the veil." I grinned evilly at her.

 "Everyone who is over there will be coming for us, why didn't you tell us what you were doing?" She asked, ugh she's so annoying.

"What did you expect? For me to bring your friends back and only them? No I'm bring everyone back and then going to make Qetiziah make me a cure so I can die and find peace with Amora." I informed them. I had begun the spell.

The man Damon came out first. "Damon!" Elena squealed. She ran and hugged him. "I missed you so much."

"I missed you too Katherine." she pulled back from him.  "Damon its me, Elena. Katherine is dead." What if going into the black hole meant your memories before you first died were your last.

He turned to me, "Stefan we have to get Katherine out of here father will be looking for her." he spoke to me and began to pull both of us out of the tomb.

"Damon, I'm Silas this is Elena, Alaric and Jeremy. You lost your memory after you died a human. It's been over 100 years since you died." I explain and pointed to each person.

"I don't understand I remember Katherine been put in a carriage but me and Stefan got her out then... No, no my-my father shot me and Stefan," he looked sad, ugh.

"Well now I have to fix this, goodbye." I wave my hand and chant to make the veil go back up. Elena kept asking why I did it.

Mia pov;

I have been in this cave for days or weeks or was it months. All I know is that I was hungry and too weak to turn into a wolf. My body was decaying slowly and painfully. My veins stung while my cells fought to get a drop of blood.

My arms were tied to the wall by metal chains, aswell as my feet and my neck. Every-breath I took was hard and painful. Someone teleported into the room. "Well, well, well, look who we have hear. Mia Mikealson, last time I seen you was when I ripped out your boyfriends brother who was under cover. Not long later I was in a gas explosion in the grill."

That voice was familiar yet I couldn't see who it was until he said 'boyfriends brother', it came to me. "Marco's, God now I dreaming the part where you for some reason save my life." I laughed but it was weak.

"No your not dreaming, this is quite real but I am the only person who came back from the dead who has their memories. Silas brought the other-side back and dropped the veil. I can never die." he picks up a knife and was about to stick it in my hand but his body disappeared and I caught the knife before it fell.

"Now that's what I call a great dream." I cut the ropes and find a blood-bag Silas left and drank it. Even after my little drink my body still ached for more blood but I kept the blood-lust under control.

20 minutes of torturous walking I arrived back at the place I called home. I barely made it too the door before my body shut down and darkness took over as my body hit the floor.

My mind was still awake but I couldn't react to all the shouting and noise of people talking and shuffling around me. I felt my body raise from the ground as someone picked me up. The bed I was placed on was soft and warm, the pillows were like heaven on my heavy head.

I felt a thick liquid been poured down my throat and I slowly swallowed it but choked on it a couple of times. The thick red blood made me feel stronger but not strong enough to move or feed myself. "Is she going to be okay?" I hear Caroline beside me, the must of been asleep so this must be my dads room.

"She is very week it maybe a few days until she is strong. I just happy she is okay, she has been gone almost 4 months and I doubt her kidnappers fed her weekly." He pulled the covers up over me.

"Thank you." I manage to whisper but I knew he heard it. Sleep came over me quickly and let me tell you my dream was nothing you never ever thought you'd ever see or hear in your life.


I was back in Mystic Falls and things were quiet. Too Quiet. I gently walked into the forest careful enough not to break and sticks or disturb nature. A human scream filled my ears, it wasn't a scared scream, it was complete horror. 

"She's here!" a strong mans voice shouted coming from my left. A large tree hid me from the scene in the woods but aloud me to watch every detail. The man walked in-front of me but couldn't see me. I felt his breath on my face as he paused a moment before walking through my invisible body.

 "Please don't do this." she screamed, "Mikeal please I have done nothing wrong." The man who was chasing her was my uncles father. He pushed her but she just stumbled backwards.

"You and that boy who calls me father are an abomination in nature." he spoke harshly to her. She began to cry and walked backwards.

"You wife Estar did this to me, I had no control over it." she cried and realized she was beside a cave. She picked up a large stone and threw it at him, he dodged and it hit a little boy. The boy never had a Chance to scream, he just died because of the force of the hit.

The girl yelled in pain and clutched her stomach. Her eyes turned yellow like mine did. Mikeal sped up to her and snapped her neck. He Placed her in a box and put the box in a cave. He put large stones on-top of the box so she couldn't get out. Then he punched the cave entrance until it was sealed with rocks that fell from the roof. He had trapped the girl in the cave.

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