6) I'm sorry

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I went to the grill for some breakfast. I sit at a booth and begin to dig in, that was until Kyle walked into the bar and took the seat in-front of me.

"I'm sorry" he said, I ignored him and continued to eat minding my business.

"I'm sorry that I chose power over love, I was stupid and I just wanted to get to know my own kind. I'm sorry and I know I don't deserve your forgiveness but I hope you do some day. I had everything when I was with you a girlfriend who was like a best friend." he finished.

"Just to let you know that apology won't work and don't forget to tell your friends that I'll see them on the other-side in a few years," I spat and walked out of the bar.

He followed me, "Tomorrow people don't go to the other-side were not supernatural, were human."

I laugh, "Before I drunkenly asked you to come over I preformed a spell making sure paranormal will go the our hell, have fun when you go there its falling apart," I turn and speed home.

Kyle's pov:

I was in shock, I'd go to the other-side when I die. I teleport to Mia's house before she arrives. She appears and was startled to see me.

"What?" she exclaims clearly annoyed that was here."Do you believe I'm sorry? Just tell me if you do, then I'll leave you alone for good," I said feeling really sorry for what I had done.

"I'm not sure yet, Okay? I still need time to heal," I nod at her request. John suddenly teleported to the yard with an angry Marcos.

"What did we say about the enemy? You are not aloud to speak to them without my command." Marcos spoke angrily.

I didn't know what to say, I was still in shock to see him here. I felt a pain in my chest, I look down to see a hand in my chest gripping my heart.

It beat-ed like I was out of breath, Marcos pulled my heart out of my chest. Before I blacked out I looked to Mia who was in shock, then darkness over took me.

I found myself at the girl Bonnie, I felt a something, it was trying to get me to go over to her.

"Kyle?" she asked looking shocked, I still had that unbarring pain in my chest where my heart was. I nod feeling a tear roll down my face.

I was dead, really dead, and on the other-side. "I... I died," was all I could get out of my mouth. "It's okay, we might be able to bring you back," she touched my arm and screamed in pain.

I was back at the Mikealson house, Mia was crying over my body. "I forgive you, I'll bring you back, I'll bring you back," she cried into my face.

Her hair was wet mixed with blood and tears. "Seems like this list is getting longer by the minute," I turn around to see Enzo.

I heard a screeching noise above me and it suddenly became very windy. Enzo managed to grip onto a tree and I began to fly back wards until a hand caught me.

The woman smiled when the wind stopped. "Can't let the boy my daughter likes get sucked into hell before you's fix things," Mia's mother spoke.

I thank her before we went our separate ways. I followed Mia into her house. She was sitting on the sofa crying while her family tried to comfort her.

Mia's pov:

I sat there crying for ages, my family taking turns at being my human tissue. A part of my wanted to shut it off but hearing about how my family would torture me if I did turned me off.

Tears were drying on my face and they stopped flowing, they ran out.

Tyler walked in, well should I say the traveller who took over his body. My dad pinned him to a wall. "Wait, put him down," he growled and let him go, "What are you doing here?" I ask walking over to him.

"The travellers had made me permanently stuck in this body and I am siding against them, for my and my wife's sake."

This was the traveller, I nod understanding why he would side against them.

"The only way to stop them is to kill a doppelganger, it will stop the spell where it is and will allow your kind to go to cretin places." he finishes.

Stefan chose a perfect moment to walk in, "Hey is Reb..." he stop-ed talking and his heart dropped to the floor. "Its done, the spell stopped," I race over and rip out his heart as-well.

Damon walks into the house and stops in shock at his brothers body.

He couldn't find the words to say, a tear or two fell down his face. "I can bring him back, Damon, we just need to kill enough people to kill to do it." I state.

"The sheriff has cleared out the town lying about a fake gas leak, what if we use this opportunity to kill them with it," Damon suggests.

"Its a good plan but there is no gas leak," I point out. "There is a gas line under the Mystic Grill, we could break it making it leak and make it explode with the travellers in it, they are going to be there for a traveller party."

It wasn't bad, but who would set it off. "I'll set off the spark making it explode, die and you can bring me back to life, done deal, I'll just go call Elena, Jer, Matt and Blondie." he smirks at my dad and he looked mad for his nickname for her.

Damon sat on his car clutching a Bourbon bottle drinking it like it was going to be his last. He recieved a text telling him the gas was on.

"Good luck," I pat his shoulders and he breaths out a sharp breath. I walk away from him and he gets into the car.

Elena had walked up to his car and got in.

They argued for a minute about something it being their choice. Bonnie stood at the graveyard talking to the dead, She ran over to someone holding them down. "Bygones" she says and lets them go, harsh.

Liv had begun the spell and Bonnie began to scream in pain. The travellers had died.

"You will return to your bodies now, hurry back," She said to I suppose was Damon and Elena. She stood there talking to a few dead and a few alive people.

"Come on now before were too late," she spoke to them, Enzo had walked through and spotted Caroline, "See you around gorgeous," and winks at her.

"Come on guys" Bonnie shouted, it must of been bad over there.

She touched Elena's arm and she came through. "No Bonnie he wasn't there."

she cried, "I'll find him... Come on you guys," Bonnie began to cough up blood and began to fall but was caught by Stefan who just passed through.

"No, I was just trying to help, Damon's not back yet," and with that Livs brother passed through and so did Tyler. A man named Alaric came through and went to comfort Elena who was crying so hard.

Kyle hadn't come through yet. "Bonnie where's Kyle?" I ask.

"HE's not here yet and neither is Damon." She must of found them because she ran over to them and put her hand on their shoulder, she did it again. Nothing happened.

My heart stopped, Kyle never made it someone stopped the spell. Liv was no longer in the small room. Elena was in here with me them Bonnie came in.

"I'm sorry they didn't make it through on time." Elena completely broke down, I just stood there in shock.

I pull Elena into a hug and stood there until Alaric took her. I went outside to Bonnie who was on the phone to Jeremy, she had just told him she won't be able to come back to life. Bonnie left to walk somewhere.

"Bonnie! BONNIE!" Jeremy's voice shouted causing me to go over to him. Bonnie stood hand in hand with two invisible people looking away from us.

"Do you think it will hurt?" Bonnie asked the other people, "I don't kno...." Damon's voice spoke before a flash of white light exploded from Bonnie and she was gone.

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