9) I could be her brother.

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The weekend flew by, my dad and Caroline had come back. I had told Rebekah about the pregnancy between me and Kyle and maybe between My dad and Caroline. She was jealous of us but I promised her I'd do the same for her if she kept this to herself.

We were having a girl's night in Rebekah's new house tonight. Caroline had bought pregnancy tests for both of us just to be sure. I had just peed on mine and Caroline had just gone in to do the same.

I let out a long sigh while walking back and forth in the room. The three of us waited on the bed for the test to set. We waited 10 minutes before Rebekah went to see the results. "Who owned the blue one?" she asked.

We had put stickers on the both of them to tell the difference between mine and Caroline's. "Mine." Caroline had her hands over her mouth, one finger tapping her cheek. Rebekah removed her hand to see the result.

"Pregnant!" She shouts cheerfully. Caroline was shocked as was I, I was going to be a big sister to another miracle child. "Okay, Mia..." she looked down at my test, her facial expression was hard to read which made me nervous.

"I'm so sorry, Mia but your..." she trailed off and I felt a tear roll down my face, "pregnant" she continued. My heart stopped, I started to cry with tears of joy. "Were going to be related," Caroline cheered cheerfully.

We hugged and cried for at least an hour. Caroline's phone began to ring, my dad was calling her. "Invite them over," Rebekah suggests and I nod in agreement. She picked up the phone and started to talk to him.

"He'll be here in a hour, how are we going to tell them? he thinks the spell was for my 'halusinations'." Caroline pointed out. She was right he did think that.

"We'll tell him the truth but to be on the safe side I'll put a barrier around us in-case he goes completely mad." It wasn't if it was not true, he goes mad at everything like the time I just moved in with him he went mad when I was stung by a bee.

Poor bee he never had a chance to get as far as the front door, may he rest in peace. "What do you hope it is?" Rebekah asked changing the subject. I thought for a moment. The I heard a voice in the back of my head: Doppelganger.

"Mine will be a doppelganger," I said out loud and earned a look from the other girls. "What?" they ask together. "I can some how still hear the witch's talk to me, the just told me." I was kinda disappointed.

Don't get me wrong Elena was very pretty and Stefan was very nice looking but I wanted my baby to be original. What would it be? Supernatural? or Paranormal? or just normal? All of these thoughts raced through my mind I didn't realize the black SUV pull up.

"You's ready?" Rebekah asked heading for the door. She pushed them into the living room and sat them at the table. Caroline nervously took my hand and we walked into the room where the men were. 

My heart was beating faster than normal and so was Caroline's. I took a deep breath to control my heart rate. Weird looks were thrown across the room to us as we walked closer.

"What's going on?" my dad ask and I squeeze Care's hand tighter. "We have something to tell you's, but first I need you's to promise you's won't get mad at what we did." A course of 'I promis's' went around the room.

I whisper a barrier spell around us before we talk. "I.. eh.. Were.." I trail off my breathing was heavy, tears fell down my face as I remembered Kyle talk about having a family before.

"Whats wrong?" they ask me, I sigh and control my emotions, stupid hormones. "There pregnant," Rebekah stepped in, thank god for her. 

All eyes were on us. "That's impossible, I can procreate but Caroline can't. She's a vampire last time I checked they cannot have children." My dad spoke he sounded angry yet happy.

"The potion I did the other day was for Caroline, I had asked the if she ever wanted children so I mad a potion to let her become pregnant and me I slept with Kyle the night before he died. I was drinking to help with the cravings but drank too much and didn't remember the night."

"This can't be happening right now, I look old enough to be her brother not a father. And I defiantly don't look old enough to be a grand father,"

Paranormal vs Supernatural :book 2 of 'TMW.'Where stories live. Discover now