11) Hospital.

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Hey guy's I hope you's are liking this story so far. I almos have 3000 views on my other one and almost 200 on this one. Please comment any ideas I have writters block and can't write my 24 chapter at the moment. Yeah I'm that far into the story. I will give a shout out for anyone who gives an idea (even if I don't use it.)   Check out my new story 'Life as a vampire.' 

Don't forget vote, comment and follow. :P

I woke up with a gasp, my heart almost pounding in my chest. My eyes wouldn't adjust to the light or was it just very dark?

Wires and tubes were attached to my arms and face. One was a water drip another for oxygen and another connected to a machine that kept my heart rate.

My hand went to my stomach. It was bigger than normal. I went to sleep with it barley being a bump but now it was the size of a football stuffed under my shirt.

My eyes finally adjust to the dim light of the room. The light came from a gap between the door and floor. I was in a hospital, again.

There was a buzzer at the side of my bed. I press it and a nurse came in. "Your awake." she said cheerfully, which reminded me of Caroline. 

"Yeah, what happened?" I ask sitting up in the bed. "Well you didn't wake up when you went to sleep, your brother found you and brought you here." Brother? Oh she meant my dad or uncles.

"Oh,is there anyway I could call them and get something to eat, I'm starving." she nod and leaves the room. 

I must of been out for months. I wonder what happened to me. The nurse came back in with some fruit and coffee.

''Your family is on there way." she told me and she placed the tray on a table and left. I ate the food just before my whole family came into the room.

I was smothered by a hug from my dad. He started to kiss my head, "I thought I had lost you," he whispered quietly. I hug him back and said, "I can't die remember?"

I pull out of the hug to look at everyone else. I give them all hugs. Then I realize something. "Where is Caroline?" I ask was she outside.

"At home she is spending time with her mother and friends, she hasn't seen them in a few months." Elijah told me, I nod and sit down on the bed. 

"When can I go home? Hospitals aren't my thing." I ask, my dad compels the nurse to release me from the hospital and to go get my things.

The nurse gathered my things, which wasn't much just shoes and the cloths I came in. I got myself together and we went to the car.

The car ride was long and boring, no-one would agree on a song so it was off. It was dark out and the only light on the road were the street lights.

We pulled up to the house and three other cars were in the driveway. When we got into the house I was greeted by Stefan, Elena and Matt.

Everyone talked for a while before I decide to go to bed. In my dream I was alone in a forest, voices from witch's surrounded me. 

They had explained to that when my baby is born the universe will change the faith of the doppelgangers and will never go back to the way it was.

When I wake up that morning I gather everyone in the living room to tell them about the dream. "I spoke to the witch's last night. They said that when my baby is born, the living pair of doppelgangers will change feelings for each-other."

"So what your trying to say is me and Elena will fall in-love again?" Stefan asked. "No you's won't fall in-love but the universe will make you's hate each-other. So if I had another child after this one my children will grow up hating each-other."

"I don't understand why will your children hate each-other?" My dad asked looking at my with a worried look. "The witch's told me my first two will be doppelgangers, looking like them," I point to Elena and Stefan.

I didn't know how long our visitors had stayed for because I spent my time eating, sleeping, reading and repeating. All I know is that I was expecting this baby soon and I had nothing prepared for a new arrival.

"Caroline want to go baby shopping?" I ask her as I walk into her and my dads room. "Sure, let me get ready." she closed the door to get ready.

"I'm coming too, someone needs to look after the two pregnant woman," Rebekah announces as we climb into the car.

We spent the day shopping for baby cloths and everything a baby needs. Now we sat at a cafe we were talking about what had happened when I was unconscious.

"So have you's chosen baby names?" Rebekah asks as she sips her coffee. "Well I was thinking 'Jodie' for a girl and Klaus was thinking 'Henrick' for a boy." Caroline answered.

I honestly hadn't thought of names yet. "I haven't really thought about that yet but maybe 'Lydia' for a girl and 'David' for a boy." I answer after a moment of thinking I think they are beautiful names.

"What perfect names for my future niece or nephew and great niece and nephew. Wow, that made me sound older than I look. You's better make sure they don't have children. I don't want to have great-great-great nieces and nephews any time soon."

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