10) A bump.

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The past few days my dad only made small talk to both me and Care. We understand why but I needed my dad and Care needed her boyfriend, we needed him.

My cravings for blood mixed with coffee had gotten stronger and more popular, Kol had joined the world of girls. He was watching sad movies or really girly ones. And the worst part is he's crying watching them.

My baby bump had grown in the last few days. I've been sick as-well but what pregnant woman isn't. My dad walked into the kitchen looking as if he hadn't slept a wink last night.

The coffee machine wouldn't work and he got mad so he threw a cup on the floor and cursed. "What is wrong with you isn't Caroline meant to the pregnant one?" I ask fixing the machine which wasn't broken just not plugged in.

"She is and she's keeping my up at night kicking and vomiting. I haven't slept in three days." he sighed as I handed him a coffee, he sat on the chair and put his head in his hands. "I finally have what I wanted, a family and someone who wanted to start a family with me and I don't know what to do."

"What father ever knows what to do with an unexpected pregnancy? I mean you did sign my death certificate before my mother even had a bump," I joke, he laughs for a moment. "I sware I didn't sleep at all last night." Caroline announced walking into the kitchen.

"Neither did I, but I have to say I would never get into a kick fight with you, your legs are powerful." My dad laughs but its small. "What are you talking about I've been vomiting the past three days you got lots of sleep."

"No love, I've been up with you kicking and holding your hair back when you vomited at night the past three days. Now if yous will excuse me I'm going to find somewhere to sleep." and with that he was gone.

"I don't kick in my sleep I was having a good dream." she huffs and takes a coffee. It was weird I was 18 and pregnant and my dad looked like a man in his 20's. Imagine trying to explain this to people. Even thinking about it made me tired. 

"I'm tired, again so I'm going to bed." I smile at Care and walk up the spiral staircase to my bedroom.

When I opened the door I see my dad outstretched on my bed, he must of been very tired because he didn't take off his shoes or put the sheets over him.

I climb under the covers on the other-side of the bed. I tried to get comfy but my dads snores kept me moving around. Eventually I fell asleep.


A hooded figure stood beside a crib gazing down at the baby inside. You could tell by his body shape it was a man. He dipped down his hands to lift up the baby.

He slowly pulled the child out and rocked him in his arms. If I know who it was it would have made my heart melt. Slowly the hooded man walked away to the window with the baby and disappeared. 

The room disappeared in a blink of an eye and now I was in another room. The room was white and light poured into the room from the window.

I turn around to see blood on the was spelling out 'miss me?' My heart stopped when I saw the same figure stand with the baby in his hands.

The baby was dead and covered in blood. His blood covered the walls. The figure removed his hood and showed a face. 

It was a face I knew, knew well but I couldn't pin point who it was.

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