19) The last dream.

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Kol's pov:

I was waiting in the waiting room for over an hour. I had called my sister to come over with cloths for me and some for Sarah. Sarah spent the last few months sick and spent most nights up vomiting and sometimes fainted.

"Its a girl." I doctor had told me who I hadn't seen. But Sarah was only 6 months pregnant, I thought. I got up and followed the doctor to his office. "Sarah was weak and lost allot of blood in the operation. We don't think she will make it."

I was in shock, my Sarah was dying and I couldn't help her. "You can go and say your goodbyes." he followed me into another room where Sarah was. She had tubes connected to her, which scared me. Her pale face was even paler now since the blood loss.

It took a lot of strength to open her eyes to see me. I sat beside her on a chair and took her hand. The doctor left us in the room. "Hi." she said weakly, I felt my heart crumble.

"You can't leave me Sar, its not fair." I cried. Her heart beat was slow but steady. Tears rolled down my cheek and hers.

"Thank you for giving me a reason for living Kol but I can't. I'm to weak." She struggled to speak. "She's beautiful, Kol. I need you to take care of her." She tightly gripped my hand, and I cried even harder.

"I can turn you, please. We can raise her together, like I promised you. You told me you would marry me, you have to stay, please." I hadn't realize Rebekah had arrived until I felt her hand grip my shoulder.

"Kol I'm a witch, I have to die a witch. I don't want to become a vampire, please respect that." I didn't look at her, I was heart broken when she said that. How could anyone respect their Girlfriends death wish if it had to do with her wanting to die.

I stood up and left the room. They both called my name but I kept walking. I found myself outside the room where they kept the new born's. I saw a incubator with the name 'Matthews', Sarah Matthews child.

The baby was connected to tubes, to help her breath. She was so small and looked like her mother. There was a little door at the side where you could put your hands in. I put my hands in and played with her fingers and stroked her face.

She gripped and I smiled. "She is beautiful, just like her mother." Rebekah spoke from behind me. I didn't turn around to see her. "She wants to see you."

I nod and wriggled my hand free of the child to allow my sister to see her. I slowly walk into Sarah's room to see her still lying down. "I'm sorry Kol, I love you so much." she looked like she was going to take her last breath soon.

"I know you don't want to become a vampire, I will respect that. I want to give you a dream before you go." I struggled to finish my sentence. She nodded and I sat beside her taking her hand.

Dream: from Kol's point of view.

I was walking down the streets of new Orleans. The sun was shining in the sky which was nice. I wasn't looking where I was going until I walked into someone coming around the corner. Her books fell out of her arms.

"I'm so sorry, I want looking where I was going." her sweet voice sounding sorry.

"The fault was entirely mine, here." I hand her, her books I had just picked up. She looked up and I instantly fell for her looks. I smile at her when she takes the books.

"I'm Kol." "Sarah." she smiled when I kissed her hand. "Well since I bumped into you and split your coffee, I think I will have to repay you by buying another one." I smile and she blushed.

"Do you always ask girls this when you bump into them?" she asked walking beside me.

"No but I would never offer someone else to bring them for coffee." I told her, she looked up at me as we enter the local coffee shop. "And why not?" she asks.

"I don't think anyone else would be as beautiful as you." she blushed and sipped awkwardly at her coffee. "Don't hid, you are too beautiful to hide. A face like that should never have to hid."

"I have to go I have class. Thank you." She was about to leave. I chased her outside. "Could do this again?" I ask feeling happy for finally going on a date, sort of.

"Bumping into each other or coffee?" she joked. "Either, as long as I get to see you again." she blushed again and pushed her long red hair behind her ears.

She thought for a moment. "Yes. After my class on Friday? 3 o'clock?" I nod and she left, I felt like I was the happiest man on earth.

**(3rd person pov)

The garden was beautifully decorated thanks to Rebekah. A man stood at the top of the alter alongside Kol. Kol wore a black suit with a white shirt and a red bow tie. He stood tall, his two brothers had joined him at the alter wearing similar suits.

Sarah didn't have a father to walk he down the isle so she had asked her half-brother to do it. She had decided to go with a simple white dress that was strapless and tight at the top and loose at the bottom. She wore her hair half up and the rest down in thick curls that went down past her shoulders.

Everyone in the garden stood up when the music began and the bride began to walk down the isle. The bridesmaids walked in-front of her in their dark blue dresses with a black ribbon around the waist. Sarah looked up at her soon to be husband and saw him smile at her, she returned the smile.

Kol took her hand and the ceremony begun. They exchanged vows and rings. Kol happily kissed his new wife.

Food and drinks were being brought around the room and the newly married couple danced together. After a few speech's and some crying Kol and Sarah drove to airport and went on their honey moon. Kol had gotten his wife's wedding ring spelled so that she will live forever as long as she wore the ring and would still be a witch.

Sarah was thankful for the spell, which was Mia's present to both of them. She has already begun to miss her two year old daughter. That night Kol and Sarah spent dancing and talking, and in the end Kol got something he had being waiting for, for over 1000 years.

He was happy, she was happy, they were happy together.


A smile spread across Sarah's face as she dream't our memory. Her heart beat now even slower than when I came here. Her breath stopped and so did her heart. I had no tears left to cry, so I sat there breathing heavily.

My beautiful angle was gone, all we had been through now gone, they were just painful memories left at the back of my mind. "Kol?" my oldest brother spoke from behind me. I stood up and hugged him close to me.

"She's gone, she's dead." I cried and he tried to comfort me. He took me home and I drowned my sorrows in alcohol. I will never be able to get over this.

I couldn't post a picture of the dresses on wattpad but if you check my 'about me' they should be there. I hope you have enjoyed this story so far.

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