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Zayn’s POV

We were at my hotel room and after all of us planned how to woo Devika, Niall’s phone suddenly pinged signalling a text message and he read it. After a few seconds, his face looked worried and he excused himself from us, slamming his phone to his ear

We all looked at each other confused. Niall was acting weird.

I sat up and tip toed to where Niall stood with his back facing me. He was worried and was rushing his words.

I was standing at a distance from him, so that he wouldn’t see.

N: “Hey, love. Why are you at the hospital?”

Who is at the hospital?? I thought worriedly

Niall waited patiently while the person on the other side spoke. He let out a gasp and continued,

“Hey...Hey...calm down. You’re the one who should be strong enough for the both of them. If you break down, who’s gonna take care of them?” He whispered silently. The other person was definitely paranoid over something. I knew it was someone important to Ni or he wouldn’t be so dull.

“Stop crying, okay? I’ll be there in a few...Where are you now?” He asked.

 “Love you too, D! We’re gonna be meeting after almost 5 years...” He sighed into the phone. After a few seconds, he hung up. I felt too much pressure on my back and tumbled to the floor with the other three lads on top of me.

“Oof!” I uttered and I fell face first on to the floor.

“What’s wrong, Nialler?” Liam got up and went near Niall.

“Guys, there’s this...I’ve been in contact with Devika for a while now...” Even though he said ‘guys’, he addressed it directly to me

My eyes widened. He had been in touch with her the entire time and he never bothered to tell me?! Some friend.

“WHAT?” I yelled.

“I’m sorry, Zayn...but she told me not to tell you this...” Niall mumbled, looking down

“I just can’t believe it...!! What has that got to do with the phone call now? Am I missing something here?” I asked suspiciously, narrowing my eyes.

“It was her...Her sister’s at the hospital; some bloke attacked her. Devika’s in there with Khushi...Can we meet her? Please...” Niall said, his eyes already leaking with tears, freely wetting his face.

Oh my god! She must be so worried....

Liam spoke up, “Nialler, Zayn...” He looked at us and continued, “You guys go...It would be overwhelming if she saw all of us together. You guys leave first; we’ll be there tomorrow...”

We both nodded and I rushed to get my rented car keys and whizzed past the New York traffic to the City Hospital. I rushed to the reception and had no idea where to look for her. Just then, Niall stumbled behind me and asked the receptionist, “Room 3601?”

“Third floor, elevator to your left. Thank you” She was clearly disinterested in her job

We rushed towards the lift and jabbed the button ‘3’

We saw two paths and we split. I took the right one, while Ni took the left. I began searching frantically through room numbers, until my eyes fell on the numbers in golden plating- 3601

I twisted the door knob and pushed the door open. I saw a figure sitting in a plastic chair with her head in her hands. On the bed, I saw a cute little girl, tucked in and fast asleep. The woman on the chair looked up and our eyes connected.

l'Amour sans Limites (A Zayn Malik Love story)Where stories live. Discover now