Chapter XI: A Tough Call

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"Have you been in contact with Hunter lately?"

"Actually, yes, I have... literally just seconds ago."

"How ironic, I was just wandering what you were talking about."

"Oh, it is um... something, that he requested, something personal."

"Oh? Is he bailing out from the mission? Dammit! I placed bets that he would accomplish his mission!"

"No, it's not- wait, your GAMBLING?!"

"For being a second-in-command, I"M A BROKE ONE!"

"Well, that's the reason why I hired you as a second-in-command: you don't demand raises."

Well, maybe I should!"

"That's beside the point, he requested a helicopter evacuation at Sub Town just seconds ago, and with his reason, which being non-existent; I might as well just give it to him."

"Is that for him?"

"No... he just requested one, randomly, like he was drunk or something."

"Well... fuck me sideways."


"Never mind, so I guess I'll bring back an old UH-60 Blackhawk and send it immediately to Sub Town then, correct?"

"Yeah, that would be best, and bring someone in like Davidson again."

"Why him?"

"Well, it's been roughly around a week since Hunter has seen someone else other than Viper or myself, and because Davidson knows Hunter and vice versa, why not bring him in?"

"Should we send in Jeff also?"

"Jeff... as in, Jeff Anderson?"

"Yes, the first guard back at Fort Hope."

"Hell, why not, bring them both in. Prep a Blackhawk ready, supply the evac team and head east as soon as possible."

"Of course, but first, if you were to give a guess on why he did such a call like that, what would yours be?"

"That is a very good question Shepard, but to be honest with you, I really don't have a clue."

"Oh... just wondering..."

"What? Is this the part were you say "Hunter's going crazy" or something?"

"It was something that ticked inside my head, would you believe me?"

"Yeah... I think I would now..."


"Whoa! What is this place?" Alexandria awed as she starred outside of the window from the passenger seat, the bright lights shine without a flaw across her face. I smiled to myself and slowed down to a reasonable pace.

"What? You never been here before? This is Sub Town, one of the most eastern declared settlements in North America. Great place, though dangerous is your caught red-handed by the law... or the complete opposite of it." I warned her.

"So what's the story with this place?" she questioned, as she waved to the multiple people she slowly passed by. These people, you can tell, were mostly part from the slums that made Sub Town. Most of these people are poor and can hardly afford the most supplied and cheap supplies here, so they often make a living scavenging from garbage bins and abandoned houses and apartments.

The Lost and the Dead Book 1: The UprisingWhere stories live. Discover now