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*Sara's pov*

I arrived at the hotel which was more then an hour away from home but since there are so many hotels in town i just chose an good one quikly where i can stay an week at changing my life routine a little and get ready for an new start. I stepped out the car holding baby Kaya in my arms with my bag over my shoulder i entered the hotel with her and after the check in i made my way to my temporary hotel room. I walked inside and looked around at my new home that ill be sharing with my daughter only.

I looked down at Kaya in my arms she was awake by now staring at the unfamiliar  ceiling she looked back at me with her big hazel green eyes making my heart warm because i was holding an piece of me  that keeps me strong and makes me do anything just to keep her and me safe. All i cared about right now was my daughter her life will change for sure now i promise to give her the best life every girl desearves. I Dont want her to Life the same life that im living now being stuck in an forced marriage against my will and being treated like trash as long as my eyes are still open and im still breathing i wont let anyone bring her down or try to bring her down.

"I wont let you Live a life that mommy had to live"

_Flashback to when it all began_

"No im not doing this im not marrying Michael! I dont love him i dont wanna get married!"

"You will marry him and you dont have no other choice okay young lady!"

"Your unbelieveable mother! Your forcing me! This is all against my will i will not marry anyone!"

"Oh you will cause your not going anywhere if you dont obey your parents okay !"

"Why mom i woke up to hear this yall planned to get me married to someone i dont even wanna marry this is crazy!" I said with tears stinging my eyes already.

"Sara the Boy comes from an wealthy family hes rich he can give you money your gonna live a good life and help us of course your father is getting old and i dont wanna work im already working at home so your the one whos gonna help in the most easiest way ! Being married to him and take care of him hes an handsome and good boy he will treat you good and give you money and and
Buy you anything you like!"

"Mom that all what matters to you ? Money! I dont wanna spend almost my whole life Being married to someone i dont wanna marry!"

"But you will you have to listen to your parents we raised you young lady you owe us something!"

"I never heard any other mother say thos to her daughter if you didnt like raising me why dod you get me!"

"Cause your father wanted to now dont change the subject your marrying Michael Joseph Jackson and you gonna live the life of an queen!"

_end of flashback_

"Yes mom i really live the life of a queen..." i mumbled under my breathe, Money wont buy happiness Michael bought me anything but he wanted nothing but pleasure in return that was his way of expressing his love. Our first time was the worst day of my Life i didnt felt the warmtness the passion no sweettalks or soft kisses it was all so rough and so hard but thats how every first time
Goes those were his words. Everything felt fucked up from our very first day. The day i found out that i was pregnant was a little spark for us he was happy i wasnt ready but i was happy even tough he was different something held me back from disliking him. But this spark soon left as the pregnancy period started he started to take distance , raising his voice getting aggresive and disrespecting me it went so further that he even didnt come to see his wife in labor i was giving birth to his child and he was hanging or fucking around with god knows who!

Here i was currently in the hotel bed watching Kaya roll around on the comfy bed having fun i watched her like i was watching an piece of gold that i was in love with she is my piece of gold.

*Michaels pov*
"M..mother shes gone she took Kaya with her i dont know where she is....i dont know how it happend i woke up and she said she was going to feed downstairs but then after half an hour i came to check on them and they were gone and so were some of their stuff Sara's car key wallets everything!"

"Son what do you want me
To do what did you do to her did you two fight?!"

"No mother i would never fight with her i love her shes my wife im so worried i dont know what to do?!" I said with gritted teeths in my head i was thinking about how im gonna tame that woman up for taking my daughter away from me! Shes crazy how dare she run away with my daughter? If she really felt hurt she could leave by herself only! I was confused first i felt guilty and now im blaming her on anything but the truth is iam the cause of this mess im the reason of her hard life i didnt love her but i did had to at least respect her as the mother of my child....

I just wish i didnt had an heartless father for marrying his youngest son to someone i never want cause this is what happens, i married her i fake everything  with her i dont respect her i dont love her and what i mostly did to her was bringing her down and makin her fear like trash.

I dont wanna be Michael the bastard i wanna fall in love with a woman i dont wanna treat them Like Theyre nothing.. but this is life life can be heaven but it can also be Hell

*sara's pov*

"Hell thats what ive been living in for so long i hope life will give me a new chance to forget the past and make my life better then it was...

She's a girl and he's a guy
why they're together, I don't know why
she is caring, loving, honest and true
he is mean, nasty, selfish and cruel

he likes to keep her way down there
to build him up, he doesn't care
she wonders how he can be so mean
she sees the side no one else has seen

he plays games with her state of mind
asks questions-answers
she finds so hard to find

makes her feel worthless and alone
lots of bad habits she thought he'd outgrown....


Have a good day

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