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*few hours later*

Mother Katherine left the house and i was putting Kaya in bed after i cleaned the House. My back was aching and i needed a good massage i was hurting so bad. Kaya slowly fell asleep in her crib while i made my way out of the room Looking for Michael at least he could help me if he had an heart.


No reply..


"What..." he said back harshly.

I walked downstairs and saw him on his phone focused texting someone he didn't even notice my absence in the room..

"Michael can you please massage my back my back is hurting me so bad.."

He let out a sigh and looked up to me..
"Why is your back hurting?" He asked me dryly.

"Ive been cleaning the whole house i cooked dinner for you and your mother and im taking Care of Kaya its hard!"

"I know its hard Sara but thats motherhood you will get used to it" he said getting up..

"Yeah can you massa..."

"Ive gotta go my friends are waiting for me" he cutted me Off as he got up and fixed his shirt.

My heart was aching from the inside i wanted to break down in tears at least i expected him to help me for the sake of his daughter but this is what he does..

My eyes got watery but i held back the tears not wanting to cry in front of him..

"What are you looking at Sara?" He asked me as i shook my head back to reality. "N..nothing i.. i was.."

"You need Some sleep you look terrible see you later " he said as he kissed me on my cheek and walked out of the living room Leaving me in a shitty mood..

"God give me some patience" i whispered to myself as i sat down on the couch..

"I heard that Drama
Queen!" He fired back at me
From the hallway making me gasp..

I got up and made my way to the front door where he was about to leave..
"Yeah you better heard it Dont talk to me!" I said with a cracky voice.

He giggled at me like i was some toddler in front of him.. "have a nice day Wifey" he said before leaving the house. I locked the door behind him and i couldn't hold It back anymore. I kneeled on the floor with my back leaned against the door. I broke down in tears and burried my face in my hands crying like a baby..

Until When will i live like this...

*michaels pov*

"What do you want baby?" I asked Zoë as she giggled her slutty giggle. We were in my car i picked her up from around the corner because i was in the mood for some fun..

"I want a massage from you baby"
She said pouting her lips like a puppy
"Daddy will give you a good massage because you gave daddy a good massage also few days ago" i said and bit my Lip seductively..

"Hey Michael How is your wife doing btw?"

"Why your asking about my wife?"

"It was just a question shes a very nice woman..."

"Yeah and you should mind your own bussines!" i said with gritted teeth's.

"Why are you being rude all out of sudden? "

"Im not rude dont ask about my wife.."

" i can ask about whoever i want to how is your daughter doing shouldn't you spend some time with your family?"

"Says the Hoe that cant stay in her own bed"

"Dont call me a hoe watch your mouth michael!"

"Mr.jackson to you!"

"Pull over Now!" Zoë demanded as i grinned evily..

"Your having a big mouth huh? Hoe!"

"Because you cant handle the fact that your a jerk! I might be a hoe but i didnt had a choice Plus if i had a beautiful family Like yours i would Do everything to spend time with them your heartless!"

I pulled over the car and i was in total rage by now...

"You know what zoë your right im a Jerk a big jerk let me show you..." i said as i opend my car door and pulled her by her hair and collar dragging her out of my car, She landed on the ground real hard as i spitted on her head..

"See what a jerk iam and now you will never see him anymore get yourself a new man you hoe!" I yelled at her before closing my cardoor. I could hear her yell and cus at me non stop but i drove away like i didnt hear shit like nothing happend..

I got enough girls 1
Loss isnt a huge problem.

*Sara's pov*

I was still on the floor in the hallway with dry tears in my eyes staring in front of me like i was seeing ghosts my Back was aching so bad i was sick for being treated this way i always asked myself how can his mother and siblings be so down to earth and he the biggest jerk while i haven't done anything wrong.. i was forced to marry him but if i knew that i was going to end up like this i would have killed myself or Faked my death and ran away from the country.

My life was getting worse day by day i have an feeling that one day something bad gonna happen and one of us gonna end up real bad. I accept everything he does but the only thing i was afraid of was Cheating .. did he had an affair with someone else? If that will be true that will be a huge shame for me my daughter and both families.

Until now i still didn't caught him with a woman or talking to one.. i never even asked him For his phone maybe i should do that im his wife right? I have the right to check on his phone and if he refuses i know the truth..

From that moment everything will be clear to me and thats when i will file for divorce!

Yassss a newwww chapterr!! Hope you liked it guys!! Who feels bad for Sara? COMMENT AND VOTE FOR NEXT❤️

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