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"Ahhh faster Michael dont stop!"

"Annabella your so damn tight!" I yelled as i adjusted myself inside her roughly for the second time her beggings and moans made me hornier then ever i jsut wanted to fuck her and i didnt care about the pain that she was going trough i enioyed every painful moment. I forgot all about Sara, Kaya was sleeping upstairs her mom was somewhere outside she just left the house like some street whore while she should stay at home taking care of her family but nope she acting all hurt and all bitchy just to get out of the house i get it.

"M...m..michael..l please slow down..n i..."

"Save it Anna!" I groaned as i pulled out and came on her belly. "Get out" i demanded as i didnt even let her take deep breathe "b...bu..."


Without even saying a word back she got up,got dressed up and left the house in a few minutes when i heard the frontdoor shut really hard i knew she was gone i pulled my bowers and pants back on and reached for my phone i went on my contact lists and scrolled all the way down to find the number of Sara which i did after 5 minutes of scrolling down.

I called her a few times and even texted her but she didnt reply i was stupid also cause of course that woman wont reply since shes out hoeing around... god knows what she was doing right now.

*Sara's pov*

"P...please let me go ill do anything just let me go!" I begged while shaking violently on the road next to my car they were trying to undress me in the middle of a street and i tried everything and begged them with my whole life to leave me alone why was god making me go trough all of this what have i ever done wrong?!

I closed my eyes and decided to give up the fight that i wouldnt win for sure first Michael and now these random guys i wonder whats next? I took deep breathes and tried to protect myself by crossing my legs and soon i was curled up into a ball.

"Eeww guys look at that scar on her lower belly" one of them said as i gasped not believing what i just heard.

"Thats from a pregnancy  thats disgusting we cant sell a woman like this?!" The other guy said.

My voice cracked..

"Guys lets go" the other said as they threw
Me inside my own car and ran away back to their cars. As i saw them drive away with speed i broke down in tears and hit the steering wheel hard with my head while crying. I have never felt this insecure and disgust
About myself like now.... now i know why Michael Doesnt care about me and doesnt even have sex with me cause im ugly and scarred... cause im not like all these other wome... hearing it from strangers felt like getting stabbed in my back no woman wants to hear these insults not every woman has an strong heart...

I didnt had no choice then go back to see Kaya even if it was for 10 minutes only she was the only person that could calm me down a little if i didnt see her now i will harm myself and no im not joking at all.

I know Michael will kick me out but i just wanna see my daughter and feel a little strong knowing that i have an girl that keeps me strong and happy trough all the bullshit...

I drove back to the house and ringed the doorbell it was almost midnight and i prayed deep down that Kaya would be awake so i could just stare into her eyes and feel better again.  The door opend and there stood the biggest monster that everyone knows him as my "husband" i didnt even look him
In the eye..

"Where is Kaya"

"Sleeping now go.." he said as he was about to close the door in front of my face but i blocked it with my leg. "I need her now let me see her"

"Didnt you left ? Why are you coming back i was just relieved that you left and here you are again pissing me off?!"

"Leave me alone... i didnt came for you i came
For my daughter if you pushed her out of your vagina you have the right to send me away." I said as my voice cracked.

"30 minutes go" he said dryly as i entered the house "it wont even take 10 minutes " i said as my eyes got red and watery already the scene kept on repeating inside my head "eew she got a scar on her lower belly" i felt weaker until i reached the bedroom and stared at my angel my world, my happines Kaya Jackson. She was sleeping so peaceful no stress and no one that could ever hurt her she looked at lot like me when she sleeps even tough everything im
Going trough the only time i feel safe and peaceful is when im asleep.

I forgot to close the door cause all i was thinking about was seeing her and let my heart out while watching her.

"Kaya mommy is here sweethear" i whispered softly trying to not wake her up. "I had to see you i need my daughter cause mommy got hurt again and not by your father only but by other people.." my eyes got watery "they call mommy disgusting cause i got a scar that i got when i gave birth to my precious angel and now people are disgust of me..." a tear rolled down my eyes.. "i know your still a baby but i dont have anyone that understands me and feel my pain i was all alone but when you came into my life i had finally Someone that doesnt hate me..."

I sobbed quitly while looking at her father features on her face.. "that why your father doesnt like me and want me because im ugly but i dont care i dont need his love anymore he doesnt love mommy he can go and love other girls but i i will never look for another man i wanna raise you as a mother and a father Cause Michael doesnt even do a thing only putting you back to sleep and hurting me
With his words..."

*michaels pov*

"Hurting me with his words" i stood behind the bedroom door listening to what she was saying she was seriously talking to an baby that was sleeping.. was she crazy or did she really had noone to Talk to?

"Kaya when will you grow up and cheer your mother up with words and teach me how to be strong... i wanna see you grow up into a strong woman i want you to have the greatest future and the most beautiful life... i maybe made little Mistakes in the past but i know you wont make those mistakes.. im so happy to know that i will raise you but im scared...."

"Scared that i wont raise you for to long......"

A neww update finally!!!! I hope you all like this book im sorry for the slow updates im really busy and i was also suffering with an infection in my finger so it was hard to type a lot but im back !


A Forced Marriage • MJ Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora