Chapter 14

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Third person POV

"Wake up" as Jennie peek to Lisa's lips

(Seriously Jennie? Did u just say "baby", why am I so easy huh?) as Jennie thought to herself chuckling

"It's so early babe, give me more 10 minutes" as Lisa pleaded while pouting her plump lips

(You don't have to act this cute Lisa) Jennie says at the back of her mind and got up to the bed

"Okay okay, I'll just prepare our breakfast" Jennie said and went out in the room and walked to the kitchen to cook


While the two having their breakfast

"Aren't you feel lonely here living by yourself" Jennie suddenly asked

"Nope, I think I'm used to this, and I have you now, I am not alone anymore" Lisa said while smiling at Jennie

"Yea, but why do you have to do this? Well I heard from ur friend that you rarely come home to your MANSION, why? Jennie asked curiously

"Why not, it's not a big deal to my parents anyway if I'll have my own place, and about that well there are really times that all they talk about is business, and I'm not into business so I'm here by myself, but sometimes when they are here in Korea I come to visit them in our house" Lisa said clearly

"Sometimes? Why? Where do they actually live?" Jennie asked again

"They live in Thailand, and sometimes they come here for business matters and to visit me" Lisa said

"They're actually coming in Korea next week, let's go to our house and see them" Lisa added with so much emotion

"What? Why? " jennie being taken aback

"Why not? You're the love of my life, I want you meet them, I also want you to meet my grandma Thailand, for sure she'll like you" Lisa said in extreme happiness

(Surely Jennie felt the heat on her cheeks, Lisa wants her to meet her family? Isn't that sweet?)

"I should book our ticket this weekend and then we can actually go to beach and to all tourist spots there" Lisa said happily

"What?? Are u serious? This weekend? It's like your just asking me out in a nearby city, hello it's Thailand, it's overseas, we need to plan things up" Jennie explained

"I just have to book the ticket and it's done, what is the need of planning?" Lisa said furiously

Well Lisa is so used of traveling over time and Jennie isn't so it's so different to her

"Of course I needed to tell mom, and need to ----- Jennie being cut

"Okay we can ask for your mom's permission, then leave everything to me, I can handle it okay?" Lisa reassuring Jennie

Jennie just nodded

"I have to go home, I have to change clothes for school" Jennie said

"You can use mine" Lisa said
"I have a lot of unused clothes there"
"And from now on, what's mine is yours"
"It's like we're sharing conjugal property" Lisa added seriously

And Jennie find it cute

"Okay then, I have to take a shower now" Jennie said

"We can share bathroom too, take a shower together" lisa said seductively

"No no, we might get late, I'm sure you'll do something else other than bathing" Jennie denied Lisa

"Aaahhh love please? Promise I'm not gonna do anything" Lisa pleading cutely

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