All These Years

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All these years- Camila Cabello

Sorry if it's too much Camila Cabello. I mean I don't think you can have enough of her because she is amazing. Hope you enjoy the story!😄


I twisted the door but it didn't seem to open. Ah damn. My palms became sweaty as I knew that we will have to actually talk and not just me awkwardly walking in. I knocked a couple times until the door slowly opened and my breath hitched when I saw her familiar face not in the red and blue lights and not in her fake form at school. It was her... or was it?

"H-hi..." I said to her and slightly waved. She gave me a half smile and moved out the way so I can enter.


I looked around her room and all the pictures of us were gone. It was replaced by her 'friends' including Lucy who by the way looked uncomfortable. I looked around her room once more and saw a picture of me. It was on her mirror. I walked towards it but May pulled me towards her bed. She didn't say nothing as we both sat on her bed.

"I'm sorry..." she choked out. I looked up at her and tears started forming in her beautiful hazel eyes. Tears started to form in my eyes and my heart knew all to well what was happening. The all to well known feeling. I let out a breath that I didn't even know I was holding as I felt a tear stroll down my cheek.

"Why?" I asked in a cracked voice.


"Why? I thought we were friends. Was it because of what I told you. I told you I could get rid of it! Why?!" I started crying my heart out the same way as I would in my closet. Like I was alone again.

"You left me Bri... For all the popular kids-"

"And you didn't?" I asked her getting frustrated already.

"You slowly started hanging out with them. I spent so much time by myself. I bet you didn't even know my dad left with my brother. I spent those nights crying myself to sleep. You never even bothered to read the fucking message. I would text you all the time. That's when I started pushing you away. So do not tell me I pushed you away."

"Why? Why did you stab yourself?"

"I was planning on- I was walking in the park and saw you standing there all mad and shit with Lucy. I didn't know what happened. My feet dragged me to you. Next thing I know you had a knife to me. I knew you. I still kind of know you... I know you wouldn't have stabbed me. But I needed to prove to you that I wasn't scared anymore." She said as she wiped her tears.

"You could've just told me." I

"Yeah like that would work.." she chuckled as we both stared into each other's eyes for a moment.

"I got over it. It's not there anymore-I think... But is that why? Because I noticed ever since that you pushed me?" I asked her with concern clear in my voice as she focused on the ground and looked back up at me with a sigh. Am I even over it though?

"I don't know." Was all she said.

"You know that's kind of weird now that I think of it..." she said as she rubbed her arm up and down with her other hand.

"What?" I asked not getting where she was going.

"I liked Lucy, Lucy liked you, and you- you liked me..." She said making eye contact. Do I still like her? No I can't I promised myself I won't. Ever.
"Look I know what happened to us in the past but... can we start over? From the beginning?"

"I was 'bout to ask you the same thing." I smiled at her. She smiled back and yet again like in the old days I felt a weird feeling in my stomach that I longed for. Her damn smile. I looked away for a moment. Did it get hot in here? I looked back at her and smiled.

"Hi, my name is Brianna but I liked to be called Bri." I started as I put my hand out for her. She gave me a smirk and said,
"Well Bri, my name is May and I hope we can be friends. You seem like a good person."

"Well not to brag but..." I said dragging out the 'but' and she slapped my arm and we started giggling and made short conversations until we decided it was best to head down stairs.

We entered the dining room with the scent of lasagna and a hint of chocolate cake. The dining room held Lucy who was sitting in the dining room while on her phone smiling.

Lucy looked up at us when we entered to also wait for the food.
"Hi..." Lucy said looking at May. May blushed and also mumbled a slight 'hey'. I silently rolled my eyes and took a seat infront of May and Lucy next to me while Rosey was seated next to May.



🙈 Darn it... A love triangle, literally. Hope you guys enjoyed the story. Sorry for any mistakes. Next week I will post this or one of my other stories. Question, how do you feel about me adding another story?

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