I Have Questions

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Song: I Have Questions- Camila Cabello

"It has been over a week now Bri, you need to eat something at least drink something..." Lucy said with concern in her voice. I know Lucy cares but, I just want my ex-bestfriend or what ever to be my friend again. I don't care anymore. I took the water and sandwich from Lucy since I knew that when May comes back she'll probably be mad at me if I don't eat. I smiled at the memory of when she started her 'you know what' back in middle school. We were at lunch and she didn't eat anything so I asked her what was wrong and she said, 'I'm eating too much and that's why I'm bleeding' I laughed so much I started crying. I had to explain to her what my own mother said about that. She gave me a confused face but after that her whole face turned into a tomato. I miss her.

I bit into my sandwich and drank some water as Lucy sat one seat away from me, she was playing with her hands and tapping her feet on the ground. She's so cute.... wait no, what?

"Brianna? What are you still doing here?" I looked up at the woman infront of me. No not May. But, her mother. I smiled and stood up to give her a hug.

"Hi, Miss Johnson." She gave me a tight hug and pulled us apart to say,

"Oh please darling I already told you to call me Rosey." She said sitting next to me.
"Lucy right?" She said facing Lucy.

"Uh yeah ma'am I'm just waiting her making sure your daughter and Bri here are ok." Lucy said with a small smile. Wow. I never really seen her smile like this. Don't do this Bri. She hurt you. I sighed and put on a fake smile when Rosey looked at me.

"Well the doctors said she'll be able to go home today so you guys can visit her." Rosey said with a big smile. Definitely know where her daughter gets it from now. There was this feeling in my stomache... it felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders a smile grew on my face, a real one this time.

"You two should go home and take a shower. You two stink. Then you can visit May at our house, alright girls?" Rosey said with concern.

"Yes ma'am." Lucy and I said at the same time. We got up and Lucy dropped me off, she told me she'll be back in an hour or so. I entered the quiet house with the door creaking when being swung open. No one was home. My mom was most likely at work and my little sister was at school, after all it is Friday. I took a shower and changed into some comfy clothes. When I got down stairs I checked my watch and it's already been an hour. So I decided to watch some tv. The doorbell rang. Lucy. I felt this feeling in my stomache again but it was different this time.

I opened the door and there she was. The girl with the perfect light blue eyes. She had a big smile on her face and she told me that Rosey told her that May's home.

The car ride there was quiet but, not awkward.

"Here we are..." She said and stopped the car. I looked to my left and right and neither of these houses are hers. I looked further down the street and saw her house.

"Ugh actually Lucy the house is over there." I pointed towards the house and looked back at a blushing Lucy.

"Oh, sorry... She said it was a white and blue house I just-"

"It's fine." I started giggling at this and shook my head.


We knocked on the door and Rosey welcomed us with hugs and smiles.
"She's upstairs. Listen. The doctors told me what happened and I know you and May stopped hanging out but you're still the only one who can cheer her up." She smiled at me and held her hand on my shoulder. I walked upstairs while Lucy and Rosey stayed down stairs. My hands were becoming sweaty and I was becoming nervous every step I took. Am I mad at her? No I couldn't be. I love her she's still someone I care for. But, why? Why would she do all that despicable stuff? Why? Why would she leave me here to burn? I didn't just get physically hurt but I also got emotionally hurt. Why would she do all this stuff just for Lucy? Wasn't I enough? Were we not friends? Why would she try to tear me apart? Wasn't leaving me alone enough? Was it for Lucy? How did I even get in this situation? Why now? Just thinking about these questions hurt my brain. As I stood infront of the old familiar door with May's name and mine scratched off... I asked myself one more question before I twisted the knob of the door...



Hope you guys enjoyed! Anyways I will upload more chapters maybe next week or the following week. Sorry if there are any mistakes...

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