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I ran around my house as fast as my thirty year old legs could. My seven year old daughter ran behind me, trying to get the cookie that I stole from her. My two other daughters laughed at the two of us from the couch.

"Dinner!" Reese screamed from the kitchen.

Key looked me in the face as I held her cookie in my hand. I smirked right before I shoved the cookie into my mouth.

"Nev! No desert before dinner! Honestly woman, I think Lizzy is more mature than you and she's two!" Reese laughed at us.

Key, Veronica, Lizzy, and I ran into the dining room. The room shined with the mini chandelier that hung from the ceiling. All of us sat down at the oak table. I sat next to Reese and Lizzy sat in her chair right next to me. Key and Veronica sat across from us. A large, yummy, dinner sat on our table in our beautiful house with our beautiful family. Each of Reese and I's children had navy blue eyes and Key and Veronica both had light brown hair, but Lizzy had little bits of black hair sprouting from her head. We ate dinner together every night that we could and lived our life to the fullest.

I still had nightmares about those horrific nights, but those days were in the past and I now lived an amazing life with my love. Now I was happy with three beautiful children and my husband in a beautiful house without anything seeking revenge, just yet.

Wow...it's over. A few months this story took. This is my first finished book on Wattpad. It's not the best story, but I'm still proud of it. This took a decent amount of time even though it isn't a long story, but I hope you enjoyed this. I based this story off of a roleplay I did with my friends on a game. I enjoyed the roleplay so much, so I decided to base a book off of it. Sorry if this wasn't the best ending because I kind of hit a giant writer's block soooo ya. Oh I'll also be working be working on editing this story for a while cause I bet there are a ton of mistakes. Well thank you all for the support and I love you.

So see ya for now loves,
Shannon <3 :)

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