Two - Bad News

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Nevaeh's Point of View

It has been over two years since my mom died. It's been hard having my only family left with me killed. I have been working my butt off trying to find out who set that bomb the day she died. Today it's the Sunday before my 19th birthday. I sat up in my bed. I looked around my gray bedroom.

My bookshelf to the left of my bed, held at least 50 books and a few decorations. There was also a box. The box was a small wooden box that had a little key hole. I was the only one who knew what was inside of it. To the right of my bookshelf was the door to my office. It was a dark wood. Then on the other side of my room to my bed was my desk. It was covered with papers and pens. I had an aqua colored chair to go with the desk. On the far right of my room was my dresser. It was a dark wood like basically everything else in my room. It just held all my clothes and shoes. Finally there were shelves to the right of my nightstand. The shelves were attached to my wall and there were four rows of them. The one on the very bottom held a few stacks of pictures, the one above that had my bow and a few arrows, the next one held stacks of ninja stars and quite a few daggers, and on the very top was my mom's old sword and two pairs of cat ears that I liked to wear.

After just taking in my whole room, like I do basically everyday because I feel lucky that I have all the things that I do. I got out of my bed and put on my slippers. I went to my dresser and picked out some black leggings with a plain white t-shirt that was slightly too big for me. I put on a jean jacket with a hood on over the shirt and slipped on some high-top converse. Then finally, I decided to French Braid my hair to complete the look.

I went into my office which was connected to my bedroom. It was small, but I didn't mind. It was about the same color as my room. There was a dark wood desk in the middle of the room. I had a small stool for people to sit at on the opposite side of my desk. I had a large comfy aqua chair for my seat. There were bookshelves in each corner of the room. I had a small fake bouquet of flowers in a glass vase on my desk and a small black and white carpet towards the door that leads into the hallway, but other than that, it wasn't very decorated. It was just to have meetings with Liz mostly because she's the chief of Ballari.

I sat down at my desk for a few minutes, but in a short time, I was starting to get hungry. I walked out into the bright eyes and I had to squint my eyes because the lights were so bright. I walked along the gray carpet and passed everyone's room walking to the kitchen. Liz, Alondra, and Gray were all waiting for me. When I walked in, they sprung to their feet. Alondra's normal deep joy filled brown eyes were filled with sadness and Liz's average carefree grass green eyes were filled with pure terror.

I was confused for a second, then I realized Alyna and Rylee weren't here with them. "Where are they...?" I asked, fear building up inside of me.

All of their eyes looked towards the ground. That was all the sign I needed. I bolted for the stairs and ran up them as quickly as I could. I ran through the forest and emerged into Alentine. There were only a few buildings in the town, Frailey's, the local clothing shop, the hospital, the apartment building, Alentine's Groceries, the local grocery store, the restaurant/bar, and finally the small police and firefighter station. I ran through the street and right into the hospital.

Noises of people crying filled my ears. I ran up to the front desk.

"How may I help you, Miss?" the lady at the desk asked. Her almost white hair was tied into a tight bun and her dark green eyes stared at me in concern.

"Are there two girls here, named Alyna and Rylee?" I asked frantically.

She nodded slowly. "Miss, follow me please." She stood up slowly, revealing a navy blue bodycon dress with a pair of black stilettos.

I followed her urgently. I followed her up a flight of stairs up to a room that was full of people laying in beds. I spotted Alyna's bright red hair next to Rylee's bright blue hair, she had just dyed it yesterday. I ran over to them. I saw that Alyna wasn't hooked up to a machine like Rylee was. At that moment, my heart plummeted to my stomach. I stroked Alyna's hair as my vision became blurry and tears started dripping from my eyes. This couldn't have been happening.

"Miss, I am so sorry. There was an attack at Frailey's. Your friend Alyna sacrificed herself to save a little boy. She is a brave soul. And Rylee, she is still alive, but she won't last much longer. I'm so sorry, like I said before." The lady said as I slowly kissed Alyna's forehead and went over to see Rylee.

"Rylee. I'm so sorry this happened to you. I love you and Alyna with all my heart. You were my best friends," tears were coming out of my eyes like a river at this point now, "Who did this, I need you to try and tell me."

Rylee's eyes opened just the slightest bit at the sound of my voice and I saw her deep brown eyes. Her mouth formed a small smile at me. "I-I love you too Nevaeh. I-it was a Whitemore...Ulrim Whitemore," she said as her eyes closed slowly.

I hugged her. "No. No. NO!" I cried. I shook her, but it was no use. Both my best friends were gone. Alyna and Rylee were basically my family and now they were gone. I couldn't believe it. Whoever this Ulrim Whitmore is, he will pay.

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