Ten - I Dare You

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Oh my. It has been so long. My friend was saying I should continue this story because she and many others loved it. So I'm going to work on this story as well as my other stories. Love you all :)

Nevaeh's Point of View

Where our hideout once was, there was a giant hole, only some stairs remained leading to the hideout. I sprinted down them after I made sure the people chasing me, couldn't find me. I blew through the hallway to Liz's room.

"Liz!" I screamed as I ran into her room. 

Her room was a lavender color and all her furniture was white. It all went together really well. Alondra was laying on her bed, Reese was on the couch and Ronnie was on the carpet with Liz leaning over her.  

"Nevaeh!" Liz screamed as she ran and embraced me in a giant hug. "Oh my gosh girly! I've missed you so much!"

"I missed you more!" I cried.

Reese's bright blue eyes flickered open. He forced a smile at the sight of me. I could tell he was in pain. I felt awful. I had caused him this pain. Internal and external.

I ran up to him and embraced him in a hug that I wished could last forever. A few tears trickled down my face. "Reece. I am so sorry. This is all my fault."

"Nev. Shush shush. I'm just happy you're safe." His fingers rubbed my tears away and he kissed my forehead.

A smile formed across both of our faces. "I missed you." I said. We weren't apart for a very long time, but it felt like a century.

Liz coughed. "PDA..." Reece and I smiled even more and hugged once again.

Footsteps suddenly echoes through the hallways, which put everyone on edge. My eyes widened as I stood up slowly.

A quiet voice cried, "Nevaeh Ballari! You need to leave this town, now!"

I gulped and peaked my head out the window. There was a small girl with dark blue hair and navy blue eyes staring towards me, her eyes filled with pure terror. I walked out, towards her. Oh my. I thought I was small.

The girl was at least half a foot shorter than I was, and that's saying something because I'm only 5'3. "Who are you?"

"The name's Siaren. Don't be alarmed, but I am with Ulrim. I betrayed him because I believe you are a good person and you should not be killed."

That last sentence confused me so much. "What do you mean killed?!" I exclaimed.

"I over heard Boss talking to Key, sending her to kill you. I am giving you this information but you mustn't tell anyone that I was the one who gave it to you. Now I must be going. Stay safe you dear child." Her face softened. "Also say hello to Reece for me. I miss him dearly."

Then she ran out. She told me Ulrim wanted to murder me and she just left. I yelled to Liz, "We are going to war. Soon. With Ulrim Whitemore."

Everyone eyes widened. "Nev. We can't. They're more powerful and they have more people than us." Reece said, fear building slightly in his voice.

"Yes, but we have strategy and we won't give up. If Ulrim wants Key to kill me, she'll have to murder me on public ground."

"Nevaeh you're talking crazy. We could never win against them." This time Liz said.

"Guys! I'm going to die anyways! Why not do in through battle? I want to die fighting for the right cause, not running or hiding!" I paced throughout the room, thinking. "Reece I need you to hack into the Whitemore system so I could speak to them, Alondra, you should make some weapons that we can use, and Liz, I need you to go talk to Veronica Carino and get her to have a few of her people to fight with us. And I, myself will come up with a battle plan."

They all nodded. "Okay. Nev we are with you till the end." Liz said.


"Nev! I hacked it!" Reece called to me. My plan was coming together. I went to see him and he told me to talk into the microphone and it would play throughout the base. I smirked.

"Okay. Let's do this." I pressed the button and started talking into it. "Dear Ulrim Whitemore. It's your best friend speaking right now. So a little birdy came and told me you wanted to kill me? Oh my, like you could pull that off before I get you. I will be waiting for you and you only, not one of your little minions to come after me. If you don't, I will know you don't have the guts to kill your own daughter even when you killed your own wife, but I would have the guts to kill my own father. So meet me. Friday. Middle of town and we will have a fair fight. You against me. Loser dies. I'm not scared of you or death, but I think you're scared of me. Try to kill me, I dare you. See you soon, bestie." And I took my finger off the button. I fell onto the ground, taking a deep breath.

Reece was just staring at me. "U-Ulrim is your...um.. father and he k-killed your mother?"

"Oh yeah. Missed a little detail I guess?" I forced a smile.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! 'A little detail'. I think not mentioning that you wanted to kill your father is a  big detail." He yelled as he mocked my words.

"I'm sorry, I guess?" I shrugged. "I didn't really remember to tell anyone, not even Lizzy."

He face-palmed. "Nevaeh. I can not believe you. Killing your own father. That's horrifying. He is your family for gosh sake."

I clenched my teeth, anger surging through me. "He is not my family. He has killed many people. And so have you. I need to get my revenge for everyone who died by his hands. It's the right thing to do."

"Nevaeh. I stood by Ulrim because he said he was doing it because it was right to stand up for the greater good. Right now, you sound exactly like him."

"You don't know what the hell you're talking about! I saved you from that maniac!"

"And you brought me to another." He stated, his face, contorted with anger and something else.

I couldn't control my anger. I raised my hand, fighting the urge to slap him.

"Hit me. I dare you. You might actually be even worse than him. I don't know what to think of you anymore." His voice echoed through my body.

I dropped my hand. Tears started rolling down my face. I ran off, slamming his door behind me. Ran right into my bedroom and dropped onto my bed. I could not believe him...

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