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Zuho POV


"Jennie is too difficult!" Rowoon slammed his hands down on the table. "You walk into class and no one is sittig in her row, the row in front or the row behind! And then there's another girl who just keeps hugging my arm and Won't. Stop. Flirting. With. Me."

At this moment in time, Dawon was on the floor roaring with laughter. But Inseong, on the other hand, was sat upright in his chair, deep in thought.

"Inseong?" Taeyang waved a hand in front of his face, and became startled when Inseong finally opened his mouth to speak.

"Since Y/N is the easiest to talk to, Zuho is going to have to lead her to a place where we can kidnap her, take her back to our base, and question her."

I stood up and walked to Inseong. "Question? If you even try to harm her, I'll take out my anger on you. I'll prove to you she's innocent." I strode towards the door and was ready to open it when I overheard Chanhee and Youngbin talking.

"Youngbin hyung, do you think he likes her?"

"Probably. But I also know that he hates it when innocent lives are put to risk, like what happened to his younger brother?"

"What happen-"

"His brother got shot for suspected treason by one of the Bulletproof Scouts. The next day, manager found out it was a scandal from someone outside the organisation who had set it up so well it looked like his brother was guilty."

"Oh I had no idea, I'm sorry." Chanhee sounded sincere. But I wasn't ready to face them again until I had seen Y/N again.

And it's possible the next time I see her is when I'll have to 'take her back to HQ'.

Flashback end~

Meet me outside the university gates at half-eight, and we'll go have a great time!" I smiled, hoping she trusted me.


I ended up taking Y/N to a restaurant with a lot of alcoholic drinks. It definitely wasn't a pub or a bar, their shelves were just lined with all sorts. The easiest way to take her away is to make her drunk, then make it seem like I'm taking her home.


But it was midnight, and we had been playing drinking games for three hours, and Y/N still seemed pretty sober.

But all of a sudden, she dropped over the table.

Now's my chance.

I propped her on my back and carried her to the van, which was now waiting outside the restaurant.

"Finally, we're getting somewhere with the case." Inseong rubbed his hands together while looking at Y/N.

"I warned you. Hurt her and I'll murder you." I gritted my teeth. I knew I wouldn't do that, and so did he. But I know he knew better than to even touch her in the wrong way.

"Anyeong, Cleopateuraaa~" Y/N was singing and slurring, and Taeyang burst out laughing. Ignoring the rest of them who were now singing that drinking song, I put Y/N in the boot, making sure not to hurt her.


We got back to HQ, and Y/N was strapped to a chair in one of our conference rooms. Rowoon was watching her in case she tried to escape, so the rest of us grabbed a drink from the canteen.

Dawon was trying to lift my mood a little, I could tell. He gave me a few coins and told me to stuff them into my nose and start rapping. I have to say, it worked.

But after a while, Rowoon came back and said she was crying.

Reader POV

What's going on?

The last thing I remember was being with Zuho...

I sobbed since I had no idea of where I was or who did this to me.

But suddenly, the door handle rattled, and I saw his face.

"You're Inseong from the other day, aren't you?" I looked up at his stone-cold face. He was expressionless, but his eyes bore right into me, and I hated that feeling.

"My father... Was it you?" He kept his stare going.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, if someone murdered your father or something, I can absolutely guarantee that I didn't do it." I started to pity him. Inseong is in the same position as I was 2 long years ago.

But suddenly, he brought a gun out. He held it up at my head.

"How did you know my father was-" A man with the label 'mission director' over the front of his suit walked into the room, cutting Inseong off and making him put his gun back, realizing Zuho was behind the director.

The man looked at me, then at Inseong. "This is Y/N..."

"Yes, it is." Inseong impatiently answered.

"You've brought the wrong person." He studied my face properly. "Yep, she's the victim, all right. I guess you've just done her a favour though, because I heard from my intel that she was going to get murdered sometime this week."

What the hell was going on?

"B-but sir, if you check the mission briefing you gave us, it said Y/N was the culprit." A pink-haired guy said. (A/N aka. Jaeyoon)

Youngbin chucked a booklet at the mission director, and he opened it with shock in his eyes.


"What is it?" Youngbin leaned over thr paper to see what the man was so shocked about. "I don't see anything different to when I last read it...?"

"No, that's not it." The director tapped his foot anxiously on the floor. "No, no, no.

"We've got an outsider who's tampered with the briefing."

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