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"나도 보고 싶어. (I miss him too.)" I heard a familiar voice say. Without a second to think, I turned around to see uncle Jisung.

"Uncle!" I ran up to him and hugged him really hard, inhaling his scent of lavender. Tears welled up in my eyes and I knew very well how close dad and uncle were. It created a void in his heart. After dad, his wife divorced him too. Then grandpa died. He's seen more than me, and deserves the birds to sing him a lullaby every day to wash away his sorrows.

But still, he's there to strengthen me, someone who's life won't make an impact to the world anymore.

I hugged him even tighter and he started laughing. "Y/N, you'll kill me if you keep doing that!" He stroked my hair for a while, then hugged me back, and we stood there in that comfortable position for what seemed like forever, and it's not like I would object a precious moment as such.

"Y/N?" I heard Jennie's voice and I pulled away from the hug first. She ran to me from the cemetery gate. I turned to look at uncle's face but he looked very pale. He stared at Jennie in shock, then breaking away from the trance just before she arrived, he planted a kiss on my forehead, waved goodbye and left the cemetery, all too quickly.

"Y/N, I got you the box of chocolates I promised for you," Jennie put on her best smile while handing me a small box of choclolates, all handmade.

To be honest, I'm not that great with homemade chocolates. But how can I refuse someone's hard work?

"Thanks Jennie, they look really cute." I'm not lying, they really did look cute. But one of the chocolates really confused me. It was tinted green? I think I'll just... Stay away from that one.

"Uh, I gotta run. I, er, need to buy groceries. The house is practically empty of food. Seeya!" And with that, she ran off rather suspiciously. It might as well be a date she's trying to hide from me.

I got back to my dad's grave and I sat next to it. On the other side of his grave, there was a firm tree and it was blooming pink blossoms, looming over his grave, as if to provide dad with shade. I looked up into the tree as I talked.

"Dad, it's Valentine's Day today. It's the day you... You, er, left me and mum. Mum is still living somehwere halfway across the world doing work. She's not been the same without you.

"I met my friend Jennie today. She gave me a box of chocolates. I'm really happy she put effort into it, but don't you think that the green one is a bit dodgy?" I opened the box of chocolates in front of the grave, hoping that his ghost would be sat there, listening to my words and judging the green chocolate I had put out in front of him. "Really dodgy."

I sat in silence for a few minutes, watching the cream clouds move slowly across the sky. It wasn't the most beautiful day, but no matter what, the art of weather can capture you one way or another. "You don't realise how much you love someone until they're really gone." I stared at the grave and took in a deep breath.

Suddenly, a large shadow appeared over me. I turned round and saw uncle standing there. He didn't look too happy, but once he saw me look at him, his frown immediately switched into a smile. Uncle Jisung came and sat next to me. "Don't you think the blossoms are pretty?" I nodded. "I don't even need to bring flowers to dad's grave when he has the blossom tree right here with him." He hummed in agreement.

There was a brief moment of silence before uncle spoke again. "Y/N?"

"Yes uncle?"

"Stay away from her. You don't know what you're getting yourself into." He squeezed my hand, got up and left.


The pic is Yoon Jisung from Wanna One btw lmfao
I kinda lost myself this chapter sorry :(( :))
Also Jennie is the one from Blackpink

Edited: 5/6/2018

SF9: Knights of The Sun #1 ✔Where stories live. Discover now