Chapter Thirty Nine

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Jongdae nodded again, "do you know him?"

"I do"

"Can I see what you look like?"

Silence filled the air and Jongdae became worried very quickly, he didn't want to scare the wolf off or even get a wrong idea about him. He may not be as nice as he sounds.

But footsteps soon started to move next to Jongdae, and he looked up to see a dark figure.
And golden eyes stared down at him.

Jongdae had a feeling of protectiveness over the sleeping baby, and gripped him tighter. Tao turned his head for a better view.

The light switched on.


The next thing Jongdae saw was his boyfriend and Tao on the floor, ripping each other to pieces. Well...not exactly. It for sure wasn't a play fight.

And it was loud enough to wake Xukun.

Xukun cried and Jongdae had had enough of the noise already. He took a deep breath before projecting the volume of his voice.


The wolves on the floor stopped at looked up at the frustrated male and baby, before looking at each other again and standing up.

"I'm sorry" they said at the same time.

"Firstly, Minseok what was the point of that? And secondly...Xiumin?"

Minseok looked down at the floor, "I thought he was an intruder...and that he was going to hurt you. I'm sorry"

"Apology accepted. Now who's Xiumin?"

"Me", Minseok still looked down at the floor. Tao nodded.

"But...your name is Minseok?"

"That's my real name. Xiumin was a name I was given in the pack"
Jongdae nodded. "Right, you two sort yourselves out while I try and get the baby to sleep"

The wolves looked at each other again and sighed, they took at seat on the couch.

It was silent, besides the muffled noise of Xukun crying upstairs. Tao was the first to speak.

" found a lover?"

"I did"

"And a baby?"

"Mm Hmm"

"That's cool...that's cool"

"Why are you here, Tao?"

"I was looking for food"

"Yeah, right" Minseok rolled his eyes, and felt a cold stare from Tao.

"It's true, you know. A lot of us do it"

"Why don't you go hunting like we are supposed to?"

Tao fiddled with his fingers and refused to look at the wolf.

"Meat is running out, you know"

"Bullshit, it couldn't possibly-"

"Humans are taking our food supply, Xiumin. Otherwise we wouldn't have the problem of searching for food here"

Minseok sighed, "I'm sorry. It's just wolves are being transformed into monsters and...I thought you were one of them"

"I was trying to protect my family"

Tao nodded in understanding. "I know, it happened to Yifan"

Silence hovered in the air again, and the baby finally went quiet. Minseok sighed in satisfaction. And he knew Jongdae went to sleep as well. He didn't blame him.

"You know what else wolves are doing now?"

"No idea, tell me"

"Turning humans into them"

Minseok immediately rose from his seat and stared at the wolf coldly.

"I'm not turning him into a wolf"

"Why not? And I never said you had to..."

"I'm not stupid! And I'm not risking his life for the sake of being the same species as us"

"But he gets immortality. Wouldn't he want to spend the rest of his days with you?"

"I'm not biting him, Tao. And you can't convince me"

"Well, the choice is yours. But you better make your mind up before he gets old-"

"Get out"


Minseok rubbed his head in frustration and soon felt a presence next to him, he was about to raise his voice but a hand rubbed his arm affectionately.

Minseok looked up and saw his boyfriend looking down sadly at him. His eyes widened.

"How much did you hear?"

"Everything" Jongdae whispered.

"I'm sorry, Jongdae. I know you wouldn't want to hear any of that-"

"Bite me, Minseok"

Minseok thought his eyes couldn't widen anymore.
"What did you say?!"

"I said, bite me"

"You're tired, Jongdae. You don't know what you're saying..."

"I know exactly what I'm saying. Tao was right you know? I do want to spend the rest of my life with you"

"I understand that, Jongdae. But if you become a werewolf, you're in as much danger as the rest of us. Getting captured...and getting transformed into whatever those creatures are!"

"I don't care, because we can protect each other"

"The answer is no, Jongdae. I'm not putting you in any more danger"

Jongdae sighed, and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's. "It's a sacrifice I'm willing to take"

"You're crazy"

"Maybe, but I'm doing it because I love you"

Minseok sighed louder this time, all his human friends may as well be wolves then. If that's what the world is coming too...
Junmyeon maybe was right before, wolves are outnumbering humans.

"Are you sure?"

Jongdae smiled to himself and looked into his lover's eyes. "Positive"

Jongdae felt the sharp pain in his neck and it was probably the most painful thing he'd ever felt.
His vision soon enough blurred, and finally everything was black.

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