Chapter Fifteen

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Baekhyun went into the forest again that night. But at least he had Sehun, Yoongi and Minseok with him.

"You do know where we're going, right?" Minseok questioned Sehun. Sehun took a sniff of the air and nodded, "we're nearly there".

Ever since the infamous NCT has been mentioned, the wolves were indeed curious to find them. Especially to find help to free their friends.

And Taeyong was the one they were looking for.

"We're here" Sehun whispered.

Stood before them was an old, abandoned building. Walls were cracked and paint was smothered all over it, along with some graffiti.

"I think sneaking out was a mistake" Minseok whispered back. Baekhyin gulped, "couldn't agree more".

The four wolves walked into the building slowly, and it was very eerie inside. It was quiet, too quiet.

"Maybe we should call out to them?" Minseok suggested.
"Were you thrown off a hill at birth? What kind of wolf are you?" Sehun loudly whispered. "Sorry" Minseok replied.

"I can smell someone" Baekhyun held a hand in front of the others to stop them. Yoongi took a sniff and nodded. "This way" he pointed straight ahead.

After several sniffs and turns, they found the scent behind a large door. Nervous to push it open, they counted to three before pushing it while using all their strength. Again, it was silent...and empty.

"You sure we're in the right place?" Yoongi asked. "Why would there be several scents of werewolf in an empty building, Yoongi?"
Yoongi shrugged, "could've farted on their way out"

"Who's there?" A loud voice echoed throughout the room. "I'm Baekhyun, I'm here with my friends and we wish to speak with Taeyong".

"Well, you're talking to him"

"Great, but we can't see you?"


With the flick of a switch, the lights flared different colors of blue, white and yellow.
But what the domestic wolves also saw was that they were completely surrounded. By six other wolves.

Knowing that they couldn't run, they allowed the strays to grab them and drag them away to the loud voice.
A man was sitting cross-legged on a large throne-like chair, on top of many stack led rocks and stone.

The four wolves were thrown onto the floor in front of the throne and man. "Baekhyun, huh?" The voice said loud and clearly.
Baekhyun stood up before the man and nodded.

"What are four domestic wolves looking for me for then? Hmm?" Taeyong asked.

"We understand you've escaped from the humans before, am I right?"

"You are"

"We ask you to help us free our friends, or at least give us advice on what to do" Baekhyun held his hands together, like he was praying.

Taeyong placed a finger on his lips.
"I could help you, but can I trust you...Baekhyun?"
He got up from his chair and started walking down to the four.

"How do I know you don't work for the humans? They could've sent you here to take us back. They could've started brain washing wolves to go against us.

Domestic werewolves are traitors. They gave up the life that made us stronger."

Taeyong was now face to face with Baekhyun, he leant in to take in the brunette's scent. He did the same to the other wolves.

"Oh Sehun? It's been a while"

"It is"

"Well, can I trust you, old friend? Should I help you and your friends on"

"You don't have to come with us Tae, we're just asking for your help"

"Hmm, who we freeing? A friend? Family?..."

Taeyong looked at Yoongi, "a lover perhaps?"

Yoongi squinted at Taeyong but kept the insults to himself. Cause right now, he really needed to free Jimin. Not start World War 3 with this punk.

"I'll help you" Taeyong smiled. "Taeil, Lucas!"

Two other wolves appeared from the darkness.
"Find the map, please"

And with that, they were gone once again. "I have the map to all of Exordium. I had one of the capture building but that went missing somehow"

"That's helpful" Yoongi mumbled.
"Don't you worry small one, we'll get your loved one back" Taeyong smirked.

Yoongi snarled. He didn't like to be pitied by using his height.

Soon enough the two wolves know as Taeil and Lucas returned with a large map.
"Can we have a little more light please?" Taeyong called.

More light appeared directly from above and all five wolves saw the map crystal clear. It showed the whole of Exordium, including the forests.

"So here is the building. If you're going to enter, you'll have to go this way" Taeyong used his finger to show clear directions to the wolves.
Chanyeol woke up in the middle of the night, wondering what the time was, he checked his phone on the bedside table. He also didn't notice the empty space beside him.

2:37am the phone read. Chanyeol sighed, he turned out to wrap an arm around his boyfriend but there was no one there. Chanyeol's eyes widened at the emptiness, and suddenly it hit him.
He snuck out.


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