A YoonMin Chapter Twenty

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Ever since Jimin and Namjoon had returned, things started to get tricky for Yoongi. Jin was still quite shaky also, both wolves were completely traumatized.

Jiyong would sometimes come over and see the treated wolves, just to examine them. If humans really were turning wolves into monsters to go against other wolves, something needed to be done to fix it. The domestics needed a plan.

"Have there been any side affects since you gave them the plants?" Jiyong looked at sleeping Jimin while questioning Yoongi, who had bags under his eyes. "Not that I know of. I've been having nightmares every night though".
"Nightmares? Like what?"

"They seem so real... I see Jimin turn back into whatever he was that night. And it's like I'm tied to the bed because I can never move away!" Yoongi started, Jiyong nodded.

"Then whenever he's about to pounce on me or "kill me" then I wake up" he concluded.

"Does Jimin remember what happened?"

Yoongi shook his head, "I don't want to upset him..."

"Are you afraid of him?"

"Of course not! I love him more than anything!"

"I understand that, but if these dreams keep happening then you may become more and more afraid. Then what? He won't understand why you're scared"

"I guess..."

"Just tell him what happened, I'm pretty sure he's wondering why you burst into tears when he woke up after the incident. Just talk to him"

Yoongi looked at the floor, then nodded.

Jiyong continued, "every time I've come over here to check on him, everything seems perfectly fine. If something does happen you let me know. I have several medicines"

And with that, Jiyong was gone.

Yoongi looked down at his sleeping lover, who was curled comfortably in a ball. And was also wrapped in several blankets. Not wanting to disturb his boyfriend, Yoongi started to walk out. But a hand on his wrist stopped him.


"I'm sorry, did I wake you Jiminie?"

"No...I've been awake for a bit"

"How much did you hear?" Yoongi furrowed his brows.

"Something about medicines...and checking up on me? Is everything okay, Yoongi?"

Yoongi sighed with relief, "Oh course Jiminie, everything's fine"

Jimin raised a brow, "can I ask you something?"

"Of course"

"What happened the night before I woke up? I'm still confused..."

Yoongi tensed up, "Confused about what?"

"I don't remember sleeping on a couch...I remember being tied to a chair by humans. They had needles and wires and...all kinds of scary things"

"It was just a bad dream Jiminie"

"But was it?"

Yoongi sat down on the bed besides Jimin and sighed. He didn't like lying, nor did he like to see his boyfriend upset. But he had to say something soon.

"Jimin...I guess it's time I told you"

"What are you hiding from me? It's been over a month and you've been acting strange"

"Jimin...you were taken by humans while in the forest. Jungkook couldn't save you"

Jimin's eyes widened with horror. So...it wasn't a bad dream?

"And...the humans did something to you. Something that turned you into...I don't know what"
Yoongi reached out to hold Jimin's hand, he could see tears welling in his eyes.

"You somehow snuck into my bathroom, and you tried to attack me. It was terrifying. Namjoon was in the same state as you as well, and you two were attacking the three of us-"

"Three of us?"

"Myself, Tae and Kookie"

Jimin gasped softly, and clutched Yoongi's hand tighter.

"You knocked Tae and Jungkook unconscious, that's why you didn't see them for a while. Jin and I made a run for it to Baek's house, in which you and Joon followed us. You attacked Baekhyun...then we called more wolves, knocked you unconscious. Then gave you medicine. And here we both are"

Jimin was horrified. Completely horrified.
"Yoongi, why didn't you tell me?" Jimin started crying, he hid his face in the pillows. Yoongi started rubbing his shoulder for comfort, which didn't seem to work.
"I was afraid of upsetting you...I'm so sorry Jiminie"

"Are you afraid of me, Yoongi?"

"Of course not!"

"I knew something was wrong..." Jimin's voice croaked, "you haven't been sleeping well. You look white as a sheet most of the time...just like you've seen a ghost. And you're not as affectionate as you used to be"

"I'm sorry...I was just worried you would...turn back"

"So you are afraid of me"

"I'm not afraid of you Jimin!"

"Don't lie to me Min Yoongi, you're afraid I'll turn back into a monster!"

"It's the monster I'm afraid of, not you!"

"The monster and I are the same person"

"No, you're not. If it happens ever again, I know you have the strength to control it. You're stronger than the monster. How so? Because you're Park Jimin, and I love you"
It was Yoongi's turn to cry now, he began wiping his cheeks with his sleeves.

Jimin immediately reacted and got up from the bed. He wrapped his arms around Yoongi's back, pulling him close. "I love you too...we'll get through this"

"I know we will"

Sorry this has gotten rather dark recently, I promise it'll get sweeter :)

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