"Let's just do it here," Jungkook said. 

"Don't you want it to look nice for your parents?" 

Jungkook sighed. 

"I'll just take it later," Jungkook said. 

Taehyung looked at Jungkook slightly disheartened but nodded and followed the maknae back into the hotel. 

"Is everything okay? You're acting weird," Taehyung said. 

"Yeah, everything's fine." 


Jungkook (5:41pm): I have the picture for you. 

You (5:41pm): Oooooh, yay!

You (5:41pm): He looks hot, doesn't he? :p

Jungkook (5:42pm): *sends jungshook meme*

You (5:42pm): ...

You (5:42pm): Really?

Jungkook (5:43pm): Hey! I did try, but I couldn't find them :(

You (5:44pm): Aw, that's okay. 

Jungkook (5:45pm): The meme at least made you smile, right?

You (5:45pm): Yeah :)


"Hey guys," Jungkook said, his icon popping up. 

"I thought you weren't coming back until tomorrow!" you said. 

"My parents finished up a bit early and we took an earlier flight." He joined your team as he continued, "Just means I still have a shot at winning the season."

"Not a chance," you said, gripping your controller firmly as the game started.

The game went as planned. Your opponents had a hard time defending against your attack. However, the other team had a couple decent players. 

"Seagull, can you take out that Genji? 

"Yeah," he said. "You're gonna have to cover me." 

"No problem." 

You followed behind him, you played as D.Va holding off the attacks that came his way. He eventually came up on the Genji player and aimed. 

"Wait!" you said. "Don't shoot yet!" 

"Why?" he asked. "If I don't, he'll get me!"

"He's gonna deflect," you warned, but as you finished, Seagull shot off a pulse bomb. The Genji player deflected, killing you. 

That kill would cost you the season and you knew it. You hoped Seagull at least was killed too, but as you spectated you noticed that he had been farther from Genji then you had.

"You should've listened to me! I'm the leader!" You threw down your controller and sighed. "You just cost me the season. I hope you're happy."   

"Baeps," Seagull started. "I'm--"

You logged off. 


Jimin (2:30am): Did you get home okay?

Jia (2:31am): Yeah

Jimin (2:32am): Did you find him?

Jia (2:33am): Yeah, but he left again

Jimin (2:33am): Why?

Jia (2:34am): We had a fight. It's kind of a long story. But I'm looking really forward to dancing tomorrow. :)

Jimin (2:35am): We are actually already back. We got an early flight back. Tomorrow's a day off if you wanted to meet earlier.

Jia (2:36am): OMG yes!

Jimin (2:37am): All right, we'll meet a private studio. It would be weird for you to show up when you don't have class. I'll text you the address.

Jia (2:37am): Sounds good! Can't wait! You have no idea how much this means to me. 

Jimin (2:38am): :)

Jimin (2:38am): You're welcome. Now, get some sleep. 

Jia (2:39am): I will. Goodnight.

Jimin (2:30am): Goodnight :)

A/N: Thanks for being patient lovelies! I hope you enjoyed and I'd love to hear what you thought of the chapter! The next thing I publish will be the first chapter of Sutures! It's going to be long af so it might be take me a little while, but hopefully sometime this weekend or early next week!

They call me Baepsae~


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