Ladybug nodded. " Good idea. First, Chat and I should charge up though. We have used a lot of energy and we can't be too sure what that does to our miraculouses unless we have used our special abilities. We need to be at our strongest."

She was right. Plagg needed to eat his Camembert cheese. I was in this form for a few hours now. He needed his rest.

"Yeah well I have some friends here with me now. Also we need to find to get me a way home. Fast. My home is in danger."

"We will meet back at the school then. Be careful getting out of here and be on the lookout if Hawkmoth returns."

"Yeah I will. See you there in an hour." I ran off to go find a corner and changed back. I was going to save Marinette's parents if it was the last thing I ever did.

P.o.v. Danny

After Ladybug fought Hawkmoth the cloud of akumas seemed to of vanished. It worried me that they just vanished like that as if they were waiting.

Marinette and I, went back to her house so she could recharge. I went in first so I could scope the place out. When I let her in she closed the door. I turned to her as she de-transformed from Ladybug. " Spots off." As she did a little ladybug looking thing popped out of her earings. It looked like the thing that was with her the other night. I had just assumed it was a stuffed animal. She went down to the kitchen with the giant ladybug and came back with a tray full of food.

"Well dig in. You will need to replenish your energy too." She gestured to a plate of food in front of us.

I couldn't help but notice this giant ladybug was staring at me. "Um, no that's fine. I'm a ghost we don't need to eat."

"You told us the first day we met you were half human, I don't buy it. Also I've seen you eat at school. You can stop pretending." Guess she found out somehow.

"So you know huh?" I asked.

"The day I dropped off the peace offering, I saw you through the window. I didn't want to say anything for the same reason my identity wasn't supposed to be revealed."

I just stood there. Then a white ring appeared around my waist it split going up and down revealing my regular clothes, blue eyes and black hair. "Been a while since I've had to do this whole secret identity thing. To be honest." grabs a cookie and starts eating it.

"Well anyways. Anything you want to know? As long as Tikki over there approves then I can answer. There is stuff I don't know either."

"No not really. I can assume that Tikki, goes into your earrings you transform, become Ladybug then after using your power you have a time limit until Tikki is forced out of the earrings. I don't really care about the history or anything." I look at Tikki. "Nice to meet you Tikki." I gave the kwami a little grin.

"It's nice to meet you. Thank you for keeping Marinette's secret. You will have to keep me a secret as well. Unless you are a miraculous holder no one is supposed to know about us Kwami's. You being the new exception. We cannot be seen on any film or photos so the world couldn't even find out about us by accident. Unless we are bound to a miraculous we are invisible to all humans." Tikki said

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