Chapter Two: The Captain's Legion | 2

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"Hurry up, Oliver, I can see Duncan coming," Reid called to his brother as he stared out the kitchen window into the sunny backyard where their guard was already waiting. Even with the border secured, Pitchblende said it would be foolish to risk the Breton boys' safety after everything that had happened before Yule. It was impossible to know if Tsorsha still had her sights fixed on Reid, he had said. Reid was quite used to the soldiers' presence by now, and because they never spoke while on duty, it often felt like they were not even there.

"I'm coming, I'm coming," Oliver shouted back, as he hopped around the sitting room trying to pull on his other boot. "Where's my pack?"

"Here," his mother said, handing him his bag. "And Oliver," she added quietly, bending down, "Hold on to this for today, okay? I've got one, too. It'll help."

Reid watched her place a smooth, orange stone in his hand, which he squeezed in his fist and then put in his pocket.

She kissed Oliver's forehead just as Duncan knocked on the back door. The Breton boys slipped outside and set off down the path with Duncan, flanked by the guard.

"Oliver, what was that Mum just gave you?" Reid asked as they walked.

"Carnelian, I think," Oliver said, pulling the rock out of his pocket. "Is that right, Duncan?"

"Looks like it."

"What's it do?" Reid asked. "I mean, what'd she mean by 'it'll help?'"

Oliver did not say anything, but suddenly became very interested in his boots.

"Carnelian is meant to promote happiness," Duncan offered. "Or, more precisely, it helps the wearer accept death."

"Today's Dad's birthday," Oliver mumbled. "Or would've been, I guess."

"I'm sorry, I didn't know," Reid replied hastily, feeling that he should have known.

Oliver shrugged. "It's okay. It's just...sometimes, I really wish he could see how hard I'm working. He'd have been really pleased with me, I know it. I just wish he could be here to see me as a soldier, like he was, is all."

"It's okay, Oliver," Duncan said, patting him on the back. "He was always proud of you, you know that."

"I know," Oliver nodded, too fervently. "But he didn't even get to see Reid come back!"

"Oliver," Duncan said, stopping in the middle of the path and putting his hands on Oliver's shoulders. "I know this is hard, but you need to be brave, okay? He wouldn't have wanted you to be distracted from your training on account of him, would he?"

Oliver shook his head.

"That's right. Now where's that carnelian?"

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