Kisses Are A Better Fate Than Wisdom

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Elsa's P.O.V

        Instead of feeling the hard, cold ground that I called death, I feel two arms holding me close to a body. I look below me and see the ground a few feet below us. I look up at Jack and smile in relief, knowing that if he wasn't here, I would be dead and wouldn't be able to see Anna again. I hug him as we speed towards the others. I notice Punzie with a cybug attached to the end of her hair. Suddenly, she lets go of the cybug as it laughs as it falls to the ground, no one coming to save it. We reach the others and I look for my dragon. I don't see it. My eyes widen when I realize that the metal bar probably killed it when it fell onto the Nadder's neck. Now what am I going to do? I can't make Jack carry  me like this all the way to Arendelle, which is most likely far from here.

        "Jack," I say softly as we fly out of the arena, "I need a dragon,"

        "You can ride with us," Punzie says, flying her dragon towards us. Jack sets me on the back of the Zippleback gently, a look of relief on his face. I smile as I try to hold on as best as possible.

        "Where is Hiccup, Toothless, Astrid, and Stormfly?" I ask, noticing that they aren't here. I remember Stormfly getting attacked by that cybug before falling off of my dragon.

        "Hiccup went to save Astrid from falling to her death," Punzie yells back to me over the wind, "we don't know where they are,"

        "We have to go back for them!" I say loudly.

        "No," Jack says from behind me, "It's too dangerous and risky,"

        "They would go back if it were us!" I reason.

Astrid's P.O.V

        Before I hit the ground, Toothless flies under me and I am sitting behind Hiccup. I hug him from behind as we turn around to fly back up to the others. Suddenly, a huge roar sounds through the forest. My eyes widen as Hiccup looks behind me. A silent queston passes through us as we recognize the roar. Suddenly, a huge gray dragon with a large head, but isn't that smart, with dry wings shows itself. The Red Death.

        "Hurry!" I say as Toothless tries to fly faster towards the opening. The Red Death spots us and roars loudly before shooting fire at us. Luckily, it doesn't have good range, "we can't let it escape!"

        "Astrid, there is no way we can defeat it in daytime," Hiccup says, "besides, it will most likely not be able to escape the arena," I nod slowly, not convienced but know that it's for the best. We eventually return to the group and Elsa looks happy to see us.

        "What happened?" Elsa asks, looking at us from the back of Flynn and Punzie's zippleback.

        "We found an old enemy long believed dead," I explain, "which we should defeat since it is a huge and dangerous dragon, which will kill anything in it's path," I look ahead at Hiccup, who pretends not to hear me.

        "We should try to kill it," Elsa says, "it would most likely save a bunch of lives," Hiccup sighs, obviously annoyed, "hey, I thought an honorable viking would put him or her self n harms way to save a bunch of other people, not just let the dragon slaughter whomever it wants. Common sense, now, lets go kick some dragon's butt," I smile at the last part as Hiccup gives up and turns Toothless around, back towards the Red Death, which was terroizing the local wildlife.

        "Okay," Hiccup says, looking at the dragon, "just distract it as best as possible. Jack, Elsa, use your ice powers, freeze it's legs, tail, anything. You should also try to shoot some ice into it's mouth. Rapunzel, your job is to heal anyone who gets hurt, but also try to distract it," everyone nods before we fly down and circle the dragon, who is now looking around frantically, trying to pick out a target. Jack lands on the dragons head and walks around, one hand in his pockets while he has the tip of his staff touching the skin, sendng frost across it, Soon the dragon feels to cold and moves its head around frantically. Jack is shaken off, but flies back up. I see Elsa trying to shoot at the dragon's mouth, which was proven difficult, due to the constant movement of the zippleback. Soon, the dragon roars loudly and Elsa immediatly shoots ice into its mouth. The dragon's eyes widen as the ice hits its throat and spreads. The dragon tries to breathe fire, but is unable to. The dragon looks stupid since it is shaking it's head around, its mouth wide open. All the sudden, Hiccup steers Toothless around and has him flying towards the Red Death at top speed. A loud, high pitch sound comes from Toothless as he is preparing to fire at the dragon's open mouth. The purple/blue ball leaves Toothless' mouth and enters the Red Death's mouth, disappearing down it's throat and exploding in it's stoomach, killing it. The dragon roars one last time as it falls to the ground, giving a loud boom and shaking the ground. We return to the others and smile.

        "Good job," I say with a smile, "that reminds me of how we defeated it last time, though without the ice," Elsa smiles weakly from where she sits.

        "Can we go home now?" Elsa asks, "please," I nod as we all turn back towards the big hole in the forcefield and we leave the arena, once and for all.


Author's Note:

This is the second to last chapter. I really loved writing this book and I am going to hate to end it.

Thanks for Reading!


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