Even The Strongest Can Be Broken

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Jack's P.O.V

Everything happens in slow motion. Elsa shoots Snow in the head to shut her up, Edward draws his sword and stabs Elsa in the stomach. I freeze Edward and rush over to Elsa. By the time I got to her side, her eyes were shut. I start yelling her name. Each time it gets softer and fades into a whisper. Punzie rushes over and checks her pulse.

"She is alive," she says, "but barely. I need to take care of ths rght away. Go get a first aid kit fast," I nod as I stand and leave the room. I see evryone starng at me. I look down at the floor as I walk up into our room and dig through the packs in there. 

"What happened?" a voice says at the doorway. I look up to see Astrid.

"Snow was being dumb, Elsa shot her in the head to knock her out, Edward stabbed Elsa in the stomach," I explain. Astrd gasps before disappearing again, probably to tell everyone else. I find the first ad kit and walk back down the steps. I feel everyones eyes on me, but I ignore them as I enter the room and shut it behind me. I hand it to Punzie and sit down at Elsa's other side. I look uo at Aladdin and Jasmine, who have remained shock.

"You two should go out into the main room," I tell them. They nod and leave the room. I look back at Elsa. Thankfully, the sword wasn't poisoned. Punzie cleans the wound and bandages it.

"Jack," she says softly, "you have a choice; I can heal Elsa immediatly with my hair and she will live, but then you will be left with that scar, or you can heal yourself and-"

"Heal Elsa," I say immedialty, "I don't care if I have a scar or not," I say when Punzie looks at me. Punzie nods and wraps her long hair around Elsa's stomach and starts to sing:

"Flower gleam and glow,

let your power shine,

make the clock reverse,

Bring back what once was mine"

Punzie's hair glows bright yellow. After a few seconds, the glowing stops and Punzie removes her hair from Elsa. I look at the cut and see it gone, only blood remains from it.

"It healed the insides as well," Punzie says with a smile, "so there is no inside problems," I smile.

"Thank you, Punzie," I say while picking Elsa up bridal style. Punzie smiles and opens the door for us. Everyone immediatly looks at me and Elsa as I walk up the stairs into our room. I lie Elsa carefully on the bed and allow Punzie to sit in the room with her as I go downstairs.


"What are we going to do about them?" Ralph asks nervously.

"Well, that snow brat insulted my best friend and that Edward dude stabbed her," Astrid says angrily, "so I say kill them, let em burn,"

"Astrid," I say, looking at her, "I agree completely with you, but what about Jasmine and Aladdin?" those two were currently outside the castle getting a drink. Calhoun is watching them to make sure they dont do something funny.

"They made no agressive moves," Tooth says, "they should stay and earn our trust,"

"We will do that," I say, "now, on to Edward and Snow,"

"Burn them!" Astrid says immediatly.

"Secretly enter poison into their sytems and let them live, saying that they will be going then the next thing we know, they are dead," Ralph says.

"I still think we should burn them," Astrid says from next to Hiccup.

"Yes I ag-" I am inturrupted by the door to Elsa and I's room and Punzie steps out.

"Elsa is awake," she says and walks down the steps. I run up the steps and enter the room and see Elsa on the bed, on her back, looking at the cieling. She smiles when she sees me.

"Hey, Frost," she says with a smile as I sit down in a chair next to her.

"Hey, Elsa," I say softly, "how are you feeling?" she shrugs.

"Tired," she says softly with a yawn. I smile.

"Do you remember what happened?"  I ask. She shakes her head.

"What happened?" she asks, getting worried.

"I will tell you later," I say, standing up and kissing her on the forehead before walking towards the door.

"Frost," she says. I turn around and look at her.

"Stay with me," she says softly. I smile as I lie down next to her.

"Goodnight, Frost," she says with a yawn.

"Goodnight, Els," I say before I too fall asleep.


 I step out of the darkness and into the clearing. The dragons don't notice me yet, so I take one small step at a time. I sneeze. Oh no, stupid sneeze. The black dragon looks up and glares at me. He growls and stands up. The colorful one looks at me too, spikes pocking out of it's tail. The black dragon starts running at me. He pins me down and opens his mouth.  hear Nodd yelling my name. But the dragon doesn't breath fire at me. He roars in my face, it's dragon spit flyng all over my face. The dragon then closes it's mouth and steps back. A scrawny teenager runs out and tries to calm the dragon. I stand up and Nodd runs over. The teenager looks up at me.

"Who are you?" he asks, studyng us.

"I-I am M.K," I say slowly.

"I'm Nodd," Nodd says from beside me.

"What are you two doing here?" the teenager asks.

"We were looking for those dragons," I answer, "we saw those two flying in ths direction,"

"Well you found them," the teenager says, "you may go," he then walks away, calling the dragon to follow him.

"No," I say loudly and firmly.

"No?" he asks.

"Yes, no," I say, getting confused by what I just said, "we would like to join your group. If you have one,"

"Can we trust you?" he asks as the drogon studies us wth narrowed eyes.

"Yes," I say, "you can take our weapons away from us if that helps,"

"Follow me," he says and walks back to the door. The dragon llies back down and looks at us as we pass. The other dragon relaxes and goes back to doing what it was doing before. We walk up stairs and through a trapdoor. We enter a room with a bunch of other people, who introduce themselves.

"This is M.K and Nodd," the teenager, Hiccup, says, "they would like to join our group,"


After a whle of talking, we were accepted into the group and our weapons were taken from us until we prove ourselves. I don't know how we will do that.


Author's Note:

Thanks for Reading!


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