I Said I Would Never Let You Go. I Never Did

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Elsa's P.O.V

I wake up to something poking me. At first I wave it away, but it pokes me again after a few seconds. I reach over and grab what was locking me. It was round. I then pull on it and I then feel a body on top of mine. I sit up and see Jack laughing as he grabs his staff and stands up.

"'Bout time you wake up, Els," he says, reaching out a hand to help me up.

"No thanks to you," I say, grabbing his hand and standing up. Everyone if packing up their stuff. Hiccup ties his stuff to Toothless as Astrid does the same with Stormfly, "what's going on?"

"We are going to try and find a safer place to stay," Jack explains, picking up his pack as well as mine. He can be such a gentleman. Sometimes.

"Everyone ready?" Calhoun sakes. Once everyone nods, she turns around and walks into the forest. Hiccup gets on Toothless, allowing Mrida to get on behind him, and in a second, they are off, flying a ways ahead of us. Astrid, however, doesn't get on Stormfly. Instead, she walks with Jack and I, Stormfly following us closely.

"How come you aren't flying?" I ask Astrid. She shrugs.

"Flying with him would mean talking to him," she explains, "I am mad at him currently," I look up in the sky and see Merida behind Hiccup, her red hair flying behind her as she hugs Hiccup's stomach. I can see how Astrid is reacting to to; Hiccup has a girlfriend and yet he isn't telling her off. We follow the others in silence. Eventually, Hiccup as Toothless land near us and he runs to catch up to Astrid.

"Hey," he says with a smile as he walks next to Astrid, "how come you weren't flying Stormfly?"

"We'll, lets see," Astrid says, "you didn't seem lonely up there, especially its your new girlfriend Merida with you,"

"He is not me boyfriend!" Merida exclaims, face getting as red as her hair.

"You do flirt with him all the time," Jack points out. Merida glares at him.

"Merida calm down," Hiccup says softly then turns to Astrid, "I was just taking her for a ride on Toothless,"

"Yeah, a 'Romantic Flight,'" Astrid corrects, eyes narrowed. Hiccup opens his mouth to say something, but nothing comes out, "it doesn't matter now anyway, because you are a single man, no worries, you can do whatever you want, even date her," Hiccup's eyes widen in shock as Merida attempts to hide a smile. Astrid sees that.

"Don't worry, Princess," she spats harshly, "you got your way. Like all princesses do," and with that, Astrid storms ahead, leaving a shocked Hiccup behind.

"I'm a princess," I say softly to Jack.

"You're a Queen," he corrects me with a smile and a kiss on the head. I smile softly as we continue walking.


It's been a whole day since we walked and we arrived at a wall covered in vines.

"Punzie," I say, "what are doing here staring at vines and a large rock?" She smiles and walks into the rock. Well, through the vines. Everyone looks at one another as they slowly walk through the vines one by one. We hear gasps from them. I hold Jack's hand as I walk towards the vines, hoping I don't run into a solid rock. The vines move apart for me to enter and my mouth drops. I see a clearing with mountains surrounding it. In the middle is a tall tower with a waterfall behind it. Woah.

"This was my home," Punzie says with a smile as she runs towards the base, her long golden hair following her like a pet. She opens a door and turns to us, "one at a time please, this tower is pretty old. I think," we follow her up the stairs, Jack allows me to go first. I climb out of a trapdoor and enter a circular room. There was a small kitchen, a fireplace, stairs leading to a room while curtains block a room on this floor. It was a nice tower.

"Okay," Flynn says, "we need to discuss who gets the rooms,"

"I think Elsa should get the room at the too of the stairs, since she nearly died trying to save our stuff," Punzie says with a smile, "which, by the way, thank you," I nod with a small smile.

"Are you sure?" I ask nervously, not wanting to seem selfish. They nod and I sit down in a stair and listen to the debate about who gets the second room. The room eventually went to Hiccup. After that, everyone argued for places in the room to have their spot at. Merida didn't find a spot since she would be sharing a room with Hiccup, which made Astrid mad. I then walk up to the room I would be in and see the walls covered in paintings. Punzie must have been busy. I set my pack on the bed and look around. I eventually find a set of bow and arrows under the bed. I wonder what it wou,d be like to shoot one of these, so I keep it handy to us it the next time we have to fight someone or something. I hear a knock at the door and turn around, expecting it to be Jack. Instead it is Astrid. She walks in and sits down in a wooden chair.

"Yes?" I ask curiously, sitting down on the bed.

"Do you think I did the right thing?" She asks, "breaking up with Hiccup?"

"I don't know," I say, "do you feel like it is the right thing?" She shrugs, "we'll, just follow the path you want," she looks at me.

"He won't take me back," she says softly, "he has Merida,"

Hiccup's P.O.V

"he won't take me back," Astrid says inside of Elsa's room, "he has Merida," I walk back down the steps. I've hated myself ever since Astrid broke up with me. I regretted everything I did since we joined with the group. I view Merida as a good friend, she obviously views me as more. I walk into my room and see Merida sitting on the bed, smiling, as she counts her arrows.

"Merida," I say, "we need to talk," she looks up and smiles.

"Sure," she says, "what is it?" I sit down in a stool close to the door so I could escape easily if she tried to murder me.

"Merida," I say slowly, "you are my friend," I put emphasis in friend, "I don't view you as anything else other than a good friend," she lowers her gaze, face not smiling.

"Alright," she says. I'm shocked, I thought she would kill me. She stands up and leaves the room and goes to sit in a corner to unpack her stuff. I leave the room as well, looking for Astrid. She isn't in the room, so she must still be in Elsa's room. I walk up the stairs and walk in, ignoring Elsa's and Astrid's protests and walk over to Astrid, grab her face, and kiss her. She shoves me away.

"Did Merida break up with you and you decided to come running back to me?" She asks.

"No," I say, "I broke up with her, telling her she is only a friend and that I love you more than her," Astrid smiles and hugs me the kisses me. But she instantly pulls back the moment our lips touch.

"No kisses for you for two days," she says stubbornly, "as punishment," I smile as we leave the room as Jack enters, seeming shock that Astrid and I are talking to one another.

Merida's P.O.V

I glare at Astrid from my little corner. I didn't like her from the very beginning before the games started. She stole Hiccup from me. And she will eventually pay for it.


Author's Note:

Sorry for making Merida seem obsessive, but its for a reason in the next few chapters.

Thanks for reading!


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