Hold On, Pain Ends

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Rapunzel's P.O.V

"FLYNN!" I scream when seeing him lying on the ground in a large pool of blood. He is holding the area between his stomach and ribs. I run over to him and remove his hand. I gasp when I see the deep wound surrounding by blood and blackness. I look up at Flynn's face and see him tryng to look at the wound. I push him back down by hs shoulders.

"Don't," I say softly with a faint smile. He looks at me and nods. I reach for my hair and grip it tightly. 'One use only' those words ring through my head. One use, then my hair will die. I used that one use on Elsa. I warp the hair around the wound and take a deep breath before singing the healing song required. I close my eyes as I sing, wishing this will work. When I finish the song, I wait a few seconds before opening my eyes. I remove the hair with shaky hands. My eyes widen when I see the wound gone. What? Flynn is lookng at me with a small smile. My confusion disappears into happiness as I hug him tightly.

"I am so sorry," I say softly while we hug.

"Me too, Blondie," he says, "me too," I pull back and kiss him for the first time in what seemed like forever. Suddenly, I get a wave of Deja Vu. I shake my head to try and clear it and stand up.

"Well," Hiccup says, "who is ready to leave?"


I am ridng the Zimpleback, however you say it, with Flynn on the other head. I smile as we fly, lovng the feeling of the hair going though my very long hair, which ends about five feet from the end of the dragon's two tail ends. We fly closer to the forcefield with Toothless and Hiccup in the lead. Just as Toothless shoots at the forcefield, a piercing scream fills the air as Astrid is fallng towards the ground, her dragon beng attacked by a cybug, which is candy colored and has a bald head and a small crown. All the sudden, the head flickers quickly to a white head then back to the orginal one.

"King Kandy!" Ralph says and the cybug looks directly at him. The head is pointed at the chin. The bug, or Kng Kandy, abandones Stormfly, who falls towards the ground. I don't see Toothless or Hiccup anywhere. I look down and see Toothless flyng after Astrid at a fast speed. I hear creaking and moanng as the arena falls apart. We have to dodge the falling pieces, which was dfficult. Another scream fills the air as Elsa is knocked off her dragon by a falling metal bar, which was large. I am about to send my dragon after her, but Jack flies towards her. I look around and see King Kandy chasing Ralph, who is trying to make his Gronkle go faster. My eyes widen and I grab my long hair and pull it towards me as they fly closer to us. I see Flynn grab his pan as everyone decides it is time to fight. I toss my hair and it wraps around the King's legs, stoping him from flying any further. Ralph flies his Gronkle far away from King Kandy and laughs, yelling, "even hair can stop you!'. I smile as Calhoun raises her gun, wait, gun, where did she get that? It is a small gun, same color as her uniform. She probably had it camoflagued to look like her suit. Smart. She aims then fires rapidly at the King, eyes squinted in anger. The King jerks backwards with every shot, but remains airborne. Calhoun's gun soon clicks, signlaing that it needs to be reloaded. She checks her body, probably looking for camoflagued ammo, I wouldn't be suprised if there is any. She grabs onto something and pulls. She smiles as she slides something into the handle of the gun, raises it once again, and begins to shoot once more. The King smiles as his face keeps flickering between each head. Personally, I like the original head, since the second one has yellow eyes. The king jerks downwards suddenly, loosing altitude.

"SHOOT THE WINGS," I yell over the noise surrounding us. Calhoun nods as she raises her gun a bit and shoots. I notice small holes beginning to appear on the cybug King's wings, making him fall faster. I try to keep him in the eyeline of Calhoun so she can continue making it impossible for him to fly. Calhoun's gun clicks agan and she begins to search her uniform again as Nodd raises his bow and begins to shoot arrows repeatedly at the wings. People raise ther weapons and fly towards the King and start swnging at him, the ones with ranged weapons stay behind and shoot from afar. Soon, everyone retreats back as Calhoun continues shooting at the wings. She soon stops, but I heard to clicking noise from her gun. I look up at her to find her looking at me, nodding towards me hair. I pull my hair back and it releases the King's feet. He laughs as he tries to fly upwards, but fnds himself falling to his certain death.

Elsa's P.O.V

I look up just in time to see a huge metal bar slam itself onto my dragon's neck. I hear an unpleasant cracking noise as I am tossed into the air and am soon falling. I scream as I see a cybug start chasing Ralph and his Gronkle. I notice something flying towards me and see white hair. Jack. I smile before looking behind me. The ground is leterally a few hundred feets below me. I look back up to see Jack getting closer, his face full of focus and determination. I close my eyes and think of Anna back at Arendelle, safe, not going through this horrible place. I tense up, waiting for the painful ground to reach me and send me to the dark pit called death.


Author's Note:

A few more chapters left in the book. I will try to drag the chapters on.

Thanks for Reading!


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