Our Time Together Is Just Never Quite Enough

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Elsa's P.O.V

I sit in the room with everyone else. I was told that this guy named Edward stabbed me and Punzie healed me. I look at the two new members, M.K and Nodd, who have recently joined. The others have killed Snow and Edward before I woke up.

"I saw many wild dragons around ths are and I thought we could train them and then somehow escape this arena," Hiccup says slowly.

"How?" Calhoun asks, "we can try electricity or we can just live in here,"

"No," I say softly, "I don't want to live here. I have family back where I live,"

"Well," Hiccup says, "we can have Toothless shoot at the forcefield,"

"Then how will we escape the arena?" Ralph asks.

"You all, or some of you will need to pair up, will train a dragon and fly out of the arena," Hiccup says.

"Yeah," Tooth says, "how do we find the dragons?"

"Fish," Hiccup says with a smile.

"And how are we supposed to catch them?" I ask.

"We use our weapons to spear the fish, or we can freeze the water, Elsa and Jack, and trap them in small areas and capture them then," Everyone nods in agreement and we head out to the small lake outside the tower. Jack and I stand on opposite sides and freeze the lake all together, watching as we herd groups of fish into area and leave those areas unfrozen. Soon the whole mini lake is frozen and we gather up the fish, but leave some so there can be more fish.

"40," Hiccup says, smling, "I think that will be enough for all of us to get at least one dragon," and with that, we leave.


We stack a few fish in a clearing and wait. Leaves rustle and orange dragon with a long body steps out and sniffs ther area. Eventually more dragons appear.

"Okay," Hiccup whispers to us, "walk towards the dragon you want and try to earn their trust," I grab a fish and walk out with everyone else. I noticee Ralph walking towards a chocolate-colored fat dragon with bumps all over t. Chocolate. I need to eat some chocolate when I get back to Arendelle. I spot a Deadly Nadder and walk over to it. I hold out the fish cautiously, It looks at me and sniffs the fish in my hand. It leaps and takes the fish out of my hand and swallows it whole. I breath a shaky breathe as I extend my hand towards the Nadder's nose. It looks at me sideways before placing my hand on its nose, its eyes closing. I smile as I pet the side of the head, looking back at Jack, Astrid, and Hiccup, who are smiling as well. Astrid gives me a thumbs up. I walk around the nadder, examining it. It stretches it's wings as I reach it;s tail and cautiously touch it, hoping it doesn't decide to show off it's spikes and impale my hand or that I don't accidently shoot it with my powers. Eventually, everyone has tamed a dragon of their own.

"So," Calhoun says, "when do we leave this place?"

"Soon," Hiccup says, looking at everyone, "just have to find a weak spot in the arena, wherever that it,"

"Why not just shoot at a random spot?" I ask, "it would be easier,"

"Indeed it will be," a dark voice says out of the blue. I turn around and see Pitch glaring at us. The dragons stand beside their owners protectively. Jack walks up beside me, glaring at Pitch.

"What do you want?" he asks bitterly. Pitch smiles.

"I want you dead, obviously," he answers.

"Ain't happening," Jack says,

"What if I tell you that there is no way to escape?" Pitch says with a smirk. I glare at him.

"What do you mean?" I ask nervously.

"You simply can't destroy the forcefield wi-" Pitch starts but is inturrupted when Jack shoots a blast of ice at him. Pitch waves his hand and black sand deflect the blow.

"Liar," Jack says loudly.

"I am not lieing, Jack," Pitch says, "why would the person who started this lie?" my eyes widen, "that right, I brought you all here," thats when the fighting starts. Jack makes the first move by constantly shooting ice at pitch as everyone, including the dragons, advance. I remain where I am. I look around and see a large group of dark horses running at us. I raise my hands and shoot them down one by one. I look behnd me quick and see the others fighting horses as well while Jack deals with Pitch. I hear neighs close by and turn around to see a horse leap at me. I watch as death approaches me, but it is shot into dust. I look beside me and see the Nadder standing there, spikes rising out of it's tail. I look behind me to see Jack shoot a bunch of ice at Pitch, who disappears into darkness. I see something blue hit him just before he disappeared. The horses surrounding us disappear as well, leaving behind black sand. I calm down as I scan the crowd to see if everyone is alright.



Author's Note:

I am going to end the book shortly. It was really fun writing this book honestly. I know I forgot to type a few POV's like Puss' and Fiona's and Eep and Guy's, but they will be in the last chapter. There will be a few more, I can't tell you how many are left. 

Thanks for Reading!


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