Hot Blooded Brother

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"I didn't want Stefan to hear the rest of our conversation." Damon told her. "I'm being...sensitive to his needs." he added sarcastically as Elena rolled her eyes.

Elena sighed. "Go on." she said. "Why are you so angry with Stefan making you a vampire?" she asked. "The way I see it is he loved you so much, he couldn't bear to be without his brother." she frowned.

"I never wanted to be a vampire." Damon explained. "I wanted to be with Katherine, becoming a vampire was the price I had to pay." he told her. "When you turn, emotions are heightened, I was grieving from the death of Katherine, or so I thought." he said. "He obviously loved me so much, that he wanted to subject me to an eternity of loneliness, misery and grief so that he could have 'fun'." Damon sat on the bed as Elena went to sit next to him.

"But..." Elena started.

"Would you do that to Jeremy if he didn't want it?" Damon asked, interrupting her, as Elena's eyes widened with horror at the suggestion.

"No." she replied in a small voice as Damon raised his eyebrows, she realized he'd made his point.

"So I decided, if I was going to have to spend an eternity of misery, I might as well take Stefan down with me." he shrugged.

"But you like being a vampire." Elena furrowed her brow.

"Elena, I was a soldier in a brutal war." Damon told her. "I'd seen enough death and carnage to last a lifetime, I didn't want to be a vampire." he insisted. "I didn't want to be a monster."

"I don't get it." Elena replied. "If you were so against it, why do you kill people?" she frowned.

"I didn't want to become a monster Elena. But when we turn, we change, and I couldn't pretend to be anything else." Damon explained. "For the first forty eight years, I lived in the shadows, all alone. Let me rephrase that, I existed." he told her. "My goal was to get Katherine out of the tomb after Emily had finally revealed to me Katherine was still alive. Stefan and I parted ways not long after we turned. His humanity was off and he was a monster. I still had my humanity, I was still me, although a slightly more pissed off version." he shrugged as Elena smiled slightly at the comment.

"So what made you change?" Elena asked, curious to get to know Damon a little more.

"I'd stayed totally faithful to Katherine." Damon said. "I never looked at another woman other than to feed." he told her. "Then I met a vampire who showed me how to...enjoy the perks of vampirism." he smirked.

"You never..." Elena's eyes were wide open with shock. Her knowledge of Damon suggested not only was he a ruthless killer, but a serial womanizer, everything he was telling her contradicted what she knew about him. "I can't believe anyone would stay..." she nodded her head, not wanting to use the word celibate. "...that way for so long." she added.

"You mean faithful? Celibate?" Damon smirked as Elena blushed. "I was of the old fashioned mindset that when you love someone, cheating isn't an option." he said.

"So, whoever you are destined to spend eternity with, is going to be a lucky woman." Elena joked. "She'd never have to worry about you cheating on her." she smiled, however suddenly Bonnie's prophesy from the back to school party in the woods, just after she'd met Stefan, the words echoing through her mind. Bonnie had told Elena her future was a man, a crow and fog, in other words Damon, she knew he once was able to control a crow. If Bonnie was right, this was the man she was destined to spend the rest of her life with, not Stefan. It then suddenly occurred to Elena that the bed they were currently sitting on would be the bed she would share with the man sat next to her, the bed they would share when they made love. The thought of them together like that suddenly and unexpectedly warmed her insides, prompting her to run her hands over the luxury cotton sheets.

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