chapter 4: the loner life

Start from the beginning

"exactly! ill be back before you know it! besides ive been gone for longer before." she smiles.

"yuppers so were all good! i will see you soon maggers!" i say while waving as she walks away.

"see you soon beats!" she waves and then exits the school.

well this is depressing.....

hmm why am i the only one in the hallway?

i start to walk forward only to realize everyones in class! the bell must have rung while i was saying bye to mags!

oh no im late.. ive never been late! except that one time in grade 9..

crap, shiz, balls, nuts, paper, trash, fudge, bu--


what the hell someone just ran into me, i wasnt paying attention but apparantly neither were they.

"watch where your going freak." they spit at me.

hmm that voice sounds familiar... wait, i look up and my eyes widen.

"Jace..." i say a little breathless.

can you blame me though? hes hot.

"thats my name dont wear it out." he glares and slightly pushes me out of the way.

why is he being so rude?

"ummm excuse me?" i say a little surprised. i mean i feel like hes ganna freak out at any moment but he called me freak.

"what.' he says flatly.

"your the one that helped me find my way home one day, then calls me a freak the next." i say annoyed. whats his problem? i actually thought he was a better guy then this.

"just because i bring you home doesnt mean im in love with you. get over yourself princess." he says before pulling his hand through his hair.

"are you kidding me? really?" i say completely iritated.

he rolls his eyes and then walks away.

"DICK!" i yell after him.

what happened to the guy that walked me home?

"have a nice loner life by the way!" he shouts to me before leaving around the corner.

ohmigosh i cant even... ugh hes soo frustrating! i just want to rip his head off and feed it to a snake!

i know i dont have friends but i have to say that hurt.... alot. i already got those comments before im not getting them again.

Hes gone hes not coming back, im fine. breath Beatrice.

you probably think im overreacting and maybe i am but i cant help it after what he did. After what he said.

i take a deep breath and start walking to my first period class which i am now 20 minutes late for. yippee.


its lunch now and honestly im just sitting outside against a beautiful tree by the back of the school by my self.

i see a bunch of people with their groups off friends laughing and fooling around. i wish i had that. i mean i have Mags but no one else. i just feel so alone sometimes.

ughhh enough sappy talk, time to find something to distract me. i take out my ipod and click the music icon. hmmm what am i feeling? maybe the phoenix by Fall out boy? yupp okay!

i start to nod my head along and mumble the lyrics. this is a really catchy song! honestly if i were at home i would be dancing around my room belting it out as loud as possible. ha this one time my neighbors- an old couple- came to my house complaining about how loud i was singing.... yeah dont play certain songs around me.

My music is up full blast so i can zone everyone out. i like it this way it calms me and makes me feel alive at the same time. sometimes you want to be with friends and sometimes you want to just be alone.

all of a sudden my earphone is being ripped out and placed into someone else's ear.

"umm what do you think your doing?" i ask as i look up.

oh my..... my eyes widen and my breath catches, its Darren one of the "badboys" of my school.

Why the meatballs is he talking to me? they have never even acknowledged me before! First i run into Jace being all acquaintance like then him being a jerk.. now this guy being, well im not sure yet.

"Fall out boy? hmmm you know i pictured you more of a Glee type." he says while looking at the grass infront of him.

i stop the music and pull the earphone away from him. to be completely honest im a little scared... hes called the badboy for a reason but like i said before 'dont judge a book by its cover' or whatever.

"what- why are you talking to me?" i ask while turning to face him.

"well i hear Jace lives across from you.... beatie?" he asks not sure if thats my name or not.

well he was close so ill give him that.

"its Beatrice." i inform him with a little head nod. "but you were close, i guess." i say shyly.

"right well i need you to give him this." he says as he hands me a brown paper bag full of something.

hmm i wonder what it is!? i go to open it but Darren grabs my hand and glares at me.

"look the only reason why im asking is cause i have to do something after school. dont look, its none of your buisness. got it?" he asks with a tilted head.

"got it. how did you know i live across from him?" i ask.

lets be real the gossip queens of the school probably told everyone the second they found out.

"If i told you that, id have to kill you." he says with a serious face.

i gulp loudly and rush my words out "ok yeah ok no dont tell me then cause you know im too old to die and all that so please ill deliver it to him, no troubles just make sure he wont hurt me because--

"HAHAHA! oh my fu** your face- HAHAHA uhhh that was goood! thanks for that. Anywho i have to go so remember- deliver dont look." he says while standing up.

"yuppers i got it badboy." i put air quotes on the bad boy thing. he doesnt seem bad at all really, kinda funny actually... i wonder how he got the rep of-

never mind he just shoved a kid out of the way and swore at him. maybe he was bipolar or something? but then again if he was i would guess so is Jace. that being said they probably have a lot of secrets.

Dont all Bad Boys though? Tough past or tough life or who knows really, everyone has their own story right?

well i guess i am forced to deliver this package to jerk face after school.

Sucks to suck i guess because that is so not happening unless he appologizes.

wait why couldnt he just give it to him now, while their at school?

Boys are so weird.

Actually Jace probably ditched out, thats what bad boys do right?

i am so looking in this bag once i get home!

i wonder what it is....


thanks for reading!

this chapter, not much happens but its just building up for the next chapter.

Beatrice has to be alone all week? i wonder how thats going to go...

also you got to meet Darren this chapterw, what do ya think of him?

btw pay attention to the little things about her past that were put in there....

love you all! please comment or vote or message me!

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