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Stiles paced his bedroom floor impatiently, his palms sweaty and his eyes wide and searching with anticipation. Where was she? Did she forget that they was supposed to hang out? No way, she couldn't have done. Lydia had few flaws and forgetting about the people she cared about it wasn't one of them.

He was nervous. This was going to be the first time that they'd be alone together since their kiss. How was he supposed to act with her? What was he supposed to say?
"Thank you for saving my life?" No. Too clichè. How about..."you're a great kisser!" Oh god way too forward. Hmm what if I say "I dreamt of kissing you since I was in 3rd grade" No no no too creepy.

Stiles ran his hands through his hair pushing it away from his face while he talked to himself but it was no use his hair just kept falling back into its original scruffy ball of fluff on his head. He sighed. What was he going to do? He didn't even look good enough for her what was he even thinking? There was no way that that kiss meant anything more to her or that she'd even want to date him.

He was quickly shook from his thoughts of self doubt as the door bell rang loudly downstairs, echoing through the empty house. Stiles spun on his heels and ran to the door as fast as he could, he slipped awkwardly on the rug at the bottom of the stairs and skidded straight into the front door with a loud thud.

He got up in frustration closing his eyes for a second before opening the door. There she stood, beautiful as ever. Her long strawberry blond hair fell in curves to her waist, her makeup was light but effective, with her enchanting green eyes standing out as a key feature on her petite pale face. She looked at him for a second before looking down and then back up again. She scrunched up her face and pointed to the rug which was now in a ball around Stiles's feet.

"Erm...what happened here? Everything alright?" She spoke quietly, her nose starting to turn a slight pinky colour from the cold air. "Oh yes it's's nothing. I mean it's not nothing it's my rug to be precise I just. It just. I fell...a little and it well yeah...". Stiles trailed off not daring to continue his embarrassing rambling.

Although, it worked to slightly clear the awkward tension between the two as Lydia's face broke out into a smile at his waffling and pushed past him to get in, closing the door behind her. Stiles released a sigh of relief before stepping out of the rug and placing it back to where it originally was.

Lydia automatically went to his bedroom as she always did when these two were together solving cases or working on homework but this time felt different. There was a new unspoken tension between them, that neither dared to mention but both could feel. It felt like something bubbling, bubbling, bubbling ready to explode.

Lydia sat on his bed but this time on the edge of it, she sat up straight with her legs crossed elegantly waiting for him to come upstairs. Stiles quickly followed behind her and sat in his chair. He didn't dare sit next to her in fear of her rejection of him being too close. He didn't want to push her away he just desperately needed to talk about the kiss.

The room was filled with silence for a second before Lydia spoke hastily. "Your room..." she almost whispered while looking around his room at his bed. "Yes...what about it?" Stiles questioned, confusion flooding his face.
"'s changed so much since I was last here..." she finished off still not meeting his gaze.

"Well...erm...yeah I changed it all up a little while ago...I just prefer it this way...Is it bad? Don't you like it?" He quickly searched for her approval. She finished her full view of the room and turned her gaze upon him. "No no I like it, it's different, it's like the new Stiles,...he's been surprising me a lot lately..." she replied, she seemed to fade off her words almost as if she was saying them to herself.

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