Into The Void

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Au: alternative version of void stiles and Lydia when he captures her. He tells her about Stiles' real feelings for her.

"Can you hear the voices Lydia? Are they saying he's dying?...He is you know..." Void Stiles' voice echoed eerily through the empty dark underground corridors of camp Oak creek, as Lydia scrambled to escape him. Her heart was racing and her eyes were watery as she rushed down some old stone steps, hitting some solid steel bars at the bottom which only finalised all she was worrying about. She was trapped, and he was fresh on her tail. "Come on Lydia, did you really think it would be that easy?" He sneered behind her as he appeared suddenly at the top of the stairs. She squeezed her eyes tightly shut in fear, hoping that this was all just some bad dream. It wasn't.

Lydia pressed herself against the cold metal bars, she hated how weak she felt, how vulnerable and stupid he made her feel. She hated him. But it was so hard to focus when he looked like Stiles. "What do you want? Why can't you just let me go?!" She cried out at him in frustration and exasperation as she turned around hastily, looking up at him where he sat. Void Stiles smirked arrogantly at her, his stance and demeanour oozing confidence and control and she hated that she had no clue what he was planning. He walked down to her slowly, getting closer, their eyes meeting for a brief second before she looked away, she couldn't handle it. "I know you struggle think I can't tell?" He mocked her as he stood a little away from her.

She played dumb. Lydia Martin was better than this, there was no way she was going to let him crack her like this. "I-I don't know what you're talking about." She replied defiantly, looking at the floor as she tried her best to appear more confident than she actually was. Void laughed maliciously, his laughter echoing off the walls and surrounding her. He gave her a sickly smirk, before stepping closer to her so they were inches apart. "Look at me Lydia. LOOK AT ME!" He screamed at her angrily as her body started to shake with fear. He was so close she could feel his breath on her skin as he stood tall above her. She slowly dragged her gaze back up to him, meeting him square in the eyes as she tried her best not look as petrified as she felt.

He tilted his head at her slightly as the evil smirk that he wore so well never seemed to leave his face, instead it stayed their permanently, mockingly and arrogantly as he looked her up and down. Lydia studied his face for a brief moment. He was so similar yet different at the same time. Stiles loved to smirk, especially when he was teasing her, saying something sarcastic to irritate her, or even when he flirted with her. Stiles's smirks were cocky yet adorable, annoying yet attractive. But this smirk, the one that Void had right now was none of those things. It was callous, cruel and sinister, something that made her want to run away, not kiss it away. It was a noticeable difference to her. This evil spirit might have been wearing his face, but it definitely didn't know how to use it. This wasn't her Stiles. This was wrong.

It was hard for her brain to process. When she looked at him, she saw Stiles, but it was obvious that something was off. His usually messy and spiked up hair was messier than usual and more crazy than she'd ever seen it. His usually bright golden eyes were dark and dull, like his soul had disappeared. He also now always seemed to be sporting some large dark bags under his eyes with his skin a pale, almost sickly shade, but she guessed that this was more to do with the Nogistune's affect on Stiles' human body. It would've been a heavy toll, the lack of sleep, the blackouts, the physical and mental fight he was having with the spirit every day was bound to show some wear on his body. It saddened her greatly to see, she missed him, the easily excitable, always talking, sarcastic dork that lit up her life was gone. She never realised that she'd miss him so much.

"Do I make you uncomfortable Lydia?" He quizzed her suddenly, taking her from her thoughts, his voice was deep and mean, as it clearly had a hidden agenda. He said her name strangely, it sounded wrong, foreign on his tongue. She hated it. "No." She lied the best she could but he saw right through it. Void leant forward, placing his hands on the bars for support on each side of her head, trapping her there as he let out a dark chuckle. "You know Lydia, it was always fun to see how Stiles's friends would react to me when I was around, I always seemed to bring out these raw feelings from them, whether it be anger, sadness, fear or annoyance. But with you? It was different. I could see the way you would look at me, pretending I'm not here, telling yourself I'm not real. You could barely look at me. I have to say it was strange, especially since all everybody else wanted to do was stare. But not you." His eyes seemed to burn into her body, as she pressed herself against the bars hard, so she could be as far away from him as possible. He stood tall above her.

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