Lydia Comes To Visit

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Au: Lydia visits Stiles at his college for the first time since he got there. Set after season 6b.

"Okay can you please be on your best behaviour Kai, I'm having a visitor today." Stiles couldn't help but smile as he tidied some books off his bed. "Oh come Stiles, when am I not on my best behaviour?" A boy with light blonde hair and glasses answers cockily from the other side of the room. Kai sat at his desk playing World of Warcraft as he finally stopped to turn and face Stiles. Kai was Stiles's dorm roommate, he was a total geek and a bit of a weirdo, but generally a nice guy, and a complete genius. He was much shorter than Stiles and usually dressed like old money. His blonde hair was in a bowl cut and his eyes a bright blue colour. He wore thick brown famed glasses that made his eyes look ten times bigger and had little freckles that dotted his face. For someone who'd never had a girlfriend, he was very arrogant talking about it. "Please Kai, this visitor is important to me." Stiles spun around, ruffling his messy hair lightly before he checked his phone once again, nothing. "Ugh fineee don't get your underwear in a twist. But if they touch anything on my side of the room I will go all kungfu on their ass!" He snapped back, holding his hands up defensively as Stiles scoffed at him, but nodded anyway. He was a complete dork, but generally a good guy.

Stiles was so excited to see Lydia he'd barely slept all night, with both of them spending most of it texting each other back and forth about the things they could do when she got here. They hadn't seen each other in over three months and he was sure he'd never missed someone this much before. Of course his anxiety got to him sometimes and he worried that she'd moved on, that she'd found some hot jock at her college and she'd already forgotten about him, but he knew that that was all in his head. Ping. Stiles's phone lit up from a text from Lydia. Oh god, she was here. He quickly finished his last little touches of cleaning and finished made sure his bag was nearby for his little surprise for her. He took one last look in the mirror, checking his reflection but of course his hair was still an uncontrollable spiked mess, no matter how much gel he put in it. Before he knew it, there was a loud knock at the door as both him and Kai exchanged a look. But before Stiles could even get there, Kai rushed to the door and beat him to it.

Kai swung open the door to find Lydia stood behind it. Naturally, she looked like a fallen angel with her strawberry blonde hair in loose curls all around her, her makeup was effective as it highlighted her bright green eyes and large pink lips. She wore a tight floral dress that came to her thighs and carried her brown leather jacket in her hands. "Holy shit!" Kai said out loud without even thinking as he looked her up and down. Lydia scrunched up her face at him, "excuse me?" She spoke softly back as he finally seemed to find his manners. "Oh god I'm so sorry I just meant that y-you-you're beau-I mean-are you lost of something?" He stuttered terribly as he mixed up his words as Stiles couldn't help but face palm at him. "Erm no I don't believe this not room 201? Is Stiles Stilinski not here?" She looked back down at her phone in worry as he soon picked up at the name. "Oh no no he is! You must be at the right place then! Come in!" He stepped aside to let her in as she reluctantly did so. Her face immediately lighting up as soon as she saw Stiles. "STILES!!" She shouted at him, dropping her jacket near his bed as she ran and jumped onto him, wrapping her legs around his waist. He was so happy to see her, that he didn't want to let go as they shared a little moment. She moved her head away slightly as she looked up at him happily before kissing him passionately on the lips. He'd missed her so much, he had missed kissing her, he missed feeling her body under his hands.

Kai closed the door behind her as he stared at them both in disbelief, his mouth open slightly. "What the-Stiles, this-this is your girlfriend?!" He looked at them in shock as Stiles finally let Lydia slowly back down to the floor. "Yes! This is Lydia, Lydia Martin." Stiles still held her close to his body as she turned to face Kai, her back against his chest as he wrapped his arms around her, leaning down so his head rested on her shoulder. He couldn't get enough of her. "B-But she's-and you're- she's...she's absolutely gorgeous!" Kai blurted out as Lydia only laughed at his lack of filter. "Yes Kai, funny enough I'm actually aware of that." Stiles joked lightly as he smiled at Lydia, kissing her lightly on the cheek. "How the hell did you end up together then? Okay I don't mean that in a rude way but she's-shes her and you're...Stiles!" He asked them in disbelief as Stiles and Lydia exchanged a look. "We erm...met through mutual friends, in high school." Stiles answered as Lydia suppressed a laugh. Of course they couldn't mention anything supernatural to Kai, who definitely had no clue. "Well...anyway what's wrong with Stiles? He's absolutely gorgeous to me." Lydia flirted with him as she looked up at him with pretty eyes. He couldn't help but blush as he placed a gentle kiss on her lips. "Well yeah i um I'm not saying he's not I just mean that you're like-and he's like- and well I mean you're like a complete league above!" Kai replied naively as Lydia scoffed at him. "Oh wow thanks for the boost of confidence man, really!" Stiles replied sarcastically as Kai gave him an apologetic look. "Im sorry i just- when I see Lydia I expect her to be with some kind of massive jock on steroids!" He exclaimed as Stiles rolled his eyes. "Yeah well those days are past me." Lydia laughed as she swayed slightly in Stiles' arms. "I can see that." Kai retorted as Stiles gave him a strange look.

He was almost hoping that Kai would get the hint and leave them be to have some alone time, but he didn't seem to be getting the hint. "So erm Kai...don't you have like you know- somewhere to be?" Stiles attempted to get him out as Kai only gave him a blank look, whilst Lydia finally took a careful seat on Stiles bed. "Ermm no I don't think so, I don't have chess club till 6." He answered honestly as Lydia held in her laugh as she watched Stiles struggle. Stiles felt like face palming as he stifled a groan, "no remember you said you had that...thing?" He tried again as Kai stared at him for a moment, looking lost. For someone so clever, he certainly had his blonde moments. Stiles raised his eyebrows at him, subtly moving his head in Lydia direction as Kai's eyes went wide, as it finally seemed to click. "Oh shi-right um yeah sorry I do have that...thing. I'll get going!" He said immediately as Stiles finally relaxed, Kai also happened to be the worst liar on earth. "Well erm Lydia, it was so lovely to meet you! I hope you have a good time here and erm please look after my boy here, he doesn't half struggle without you." Kai said turning to Lydia as he winked making her giggle and Stiles roll his eyes. Stiles gave him an angry look before he quickly ran out the room before Stiles could get him. And then they were finally alone.

Stiles shut the door behind him before finally turning back his girlfriend. Lydia smirked at him as he gave her a soft smile. "Oh god, finally, I thought he'd never get the hint." He teased as he headed over to her, standing close above her as she gave him a pretty smile. "Yeah me neither, but I'm glad he's gone because now I have you all to myself." She grinned, pulling him down into her as she shuffled back on his bed, Stiles falling on top of her as she brought him into a needy kiss. Her actions surprised him immediately as his eyes widened at her before he melted into the kiss. He one of his hands to support himself above her before using his other to wrap around her small waist and lift her further up the bed. To his surprise, she was desperate for him as little moans of frustration escaped her as she couldn't seem to get him close enough. Her hands were in his hair, pulling him closer as he struggled to catch his breath. "Woah easy Lyds-" he managed to get out in between kisses as she finally pulled him on top of her so their bodies were flush. "I've missed you-so much..." she muttered in between her fierce kisses as he nodded in response. "I missed you too baby..." he smiled into the kiss as she started trailing kisses down his jawline and his neck, making him moan slightly and struggle to breathe properly. He'd never really seen her act like this around him, she seemed eager for him, and he couldn't help but adore it. His hair was now a ruffled mess and his cheeks had a light pink blush on them as he struggled to focus.

Stiles was surprised as she expertly flipped them so she sat on his lap, her dress now bunching around her waist as she quickly attached her lips back to his neck, her body lightly rolling on him "woah there..." he could barely breathe properly as he felt completely turned on. Lydia suddenly stopped, sitting up properly on him, her lips were pink and slightly swollen as they fell in a small pout. "Oh gosh sorry did you not want-" she suddenly seemed worried as he looked up at her, his breathing slightly staggered. "Oh no no no, of course I do I just...god I've missed you but you know this isn't the only reason I brought you here..." he attempted to say as he pushed his messy hair off his slightly sticky forehead as she furrowed her eyebrows at him. He suddenly felt worried that he'd messed up the moment, his face expressing his worry before a small gentle smile fell on her lips. "That's what you wanted to tell me?" She grinned as he nodded innocently like an awkward child. "Oh I know Stiles I know you're not like that, of course I do. I just...I missed you so much, I don't actually know how I've coped without you..." she admitted bashfully as he gave her a dorky smile. "Really? I've missed you too I mean I don't think I ever want you to leave, I did um I did worry a little that you'd get over me though..." he confessed as she gave him a shocked look. "What? Are you kidding Stiles?" She asked back as he shook his head, looking down at her sat on his lap as he traced slight gentle circles onto her thighs. "Well no I just...I mean I know there is probably a lot of better looking guys at MIT..." he trailed off as he started to feel a little bit daft about his insecurities. "Oh come on Stiles, trust me I don't care about any other guy but you, you're the one I want, nobody else okay?" She whispered to him as she leant down to place a soft kiss on his lips, as he couldn't help but smile at what she said. "Really?" His voice cracked slightly as she nodded. "I only want you." She said before her lips fell on his again and he wrapped his arms around her happily, deepening the kiss. Stiles couldn't be happier, the girl of his dreams was finally his and he wasn't ever going to let her go again.

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