Post-Movie Stydia

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Au: Stiles and Lydia finally reunite. Set after the Teen Wolf Movie.

"I can't believe you wasn't going to tell me Scott." Lydia huffed as she gave him a furious look. The alpha flung his arms in the air defensively, before giving her an apologetic look. He may be a werewolf but he was still smart enough to fear Lydia Martin's wrath. "I know. I know. I'm sorry Lydia, i just i-" Scott struggled to get his words out as he trailed off hopelessly, leaving her even more frustrated. She stepped closer to him, resting her arms on his white granite unit tops as she sighed, raising an eyebrow at him. "You what?!" She snapped as her patience grew thin. "...look I'm sorry I just I-I thought you guys would still be guys were supposed to be-i didn't quite expect you be apart..." he spoke quietly, struggling to explain, his voice full of sadness and defeat as he looked down, avoiding her eyes. Lydia weakened immediately at what he said as her face dropped, she released a heavy breath as she instinctively stepped back slightly, her mind stirring. What he'd said hit her hard as she knew everyone presumed the same thing, even her. But they hadn't seen each other in 15 years and she hadn't seen Stiles in nearly 2, it made sense for him to invite them both together, as they were a couple last time he saw them. When Scott as invited them all back to Beacon Hills, Stiles had happened to be away on a secret FBI case which meant he ended up receiving his message late. Once he finally got back to Scott, the poor werewolf had the unfortunate task of filling Stiles in on everything that had happened. Safe to say the sarcastic boy wasn't too pleased about missing out on something again and decided hastily to make his way back down here to complain about it.

Lydia struggled on how to respond, as she fell silent, her breathing fast and her mind heavy. "Im sorry Lydia. I really am..." Scott spoke first, cutting the silence as he finally met her gaze. Despite her new anxiety and nervousness about seeing him again, she'd be lying if she said that her body didn't light up a little bit with excitement at the idea of seeing him again. The last 2 years had been torture for her as she tried her best every day to convince herself that she'd made the right decision, that she'd done it to protect him, to keep him safe, that Stiles was better off without her. Despite how hard she tried to forget him, to move on, she just couldn't. He seemed to consume every thought she ever had and she was sure now that being away from your soulmate, your emotional tether, your best friend, for so long was starting to make her unwell. Like her whole body craved him, his presence, his voice, his touch...She missed him like crazy.

"No, no it's fine it's okay, it's not your fault. How was you supposed to know? It's okay, we'll be fine." She finally answered calmly. She seemed to be attempting to persuade herself more than Scott, as she began to regain some of her composure, gently patting down her slim black dress as Scott gave her an unconvincing look. "Really? You're not mad at me anymore?" He sounded like a wounded puppy and she started to feel bad for shouting at him. She gave him a reassuring smile, soft and comforting, as she shook her head lightly. "No. I'm not mad. I wasn't mad. I was just-surprised that's all...It's fine Scott. I'm actually glad you had so much confidence in our relationship that you believed we'd still be together after all this time like that." She chuckled slightly, trying to lighten the mood, even though she wasn't even sure why. Scott furrowed his eyebrows at her slightly, scoffing at her before he spoke, "are you serious? Of course I did. You are Stiles and Lydia. You guys were like the embodiment of pure true love. I think everyone could see that, you guys were so love with each other and you protected each other with your life. That's the type of love that you only see once in a lifetime." He answered honestly, taking her by surprise with his sweet words as she had to remind herself to breathe for a moment. Something on her expression must of changed and reflected her sadness, as he quickly spoke again. "Oh god shit! I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that, I just- I mean I guess we're just all a little shocked at the news. I mean...honestly I don't even know how Stiles let you doesn't seem like something he'd do after all those years of trying to be with you." Lydia let out a little chuckle as she crossed her arms over her chest, dropping her gaze as just the mention of his name made her feel sad, but she continued listening anyway. "...I mean it's Stiles for crying out loud! This kid has been in love with you forever, he's spent most of his life in love with you and pining after you, and then he finally gets to be with you and what? You tell him you have to breakup and he just agrees? Yeah no way, not a chance. " Scott asked in confusion as Lydia couldn't help but laugh at what he said. He was right. Stiles would never have let that happen but Lydia had set her mind on it and after months of arguing about it, she'd finally wore him down. He couldn't make her stay and their fighting over it definitely took its toll on him and their relationship, he looked utterly crestfallen and miserable. She could still remember the look on his face when she told him, utter disbelief. It was like his worst nightmares had come true. She hated herself for how much pain she caused him but she convinced herself it was necessary, she couldn't live in a world without him in it, especially one where she was the one who'd caused his death, all because she wanted to be selfish and stay with him. She couldn't do that.

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