Friends with benefits

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AU: Stiles and Lydia are friends with benefits but they still get jealous.

Stiles awoke early, turning over quickly to see the empty space that existed beside him in bed. Fuck, she'd left already. He sighed heavily before getting out of bed, his torso bare and his hair messy as he rubbed his eyes sleepily as he headed towards his bathroom. After having a shower and getting changed he headed downstairs hastily. His dad stood in the kitchen, leaning against the counter and drinking some black coffee as Stiles walked in. He looked up happily at him, a soppy smile sat on his face. "Mornin" Sherriff Stilinski said as Stiles opened grabbed some cereal from the fridge. "Yo Daddio!" Stiles replied back cheerily as he got out a bowl and spoon, pouring out some cereal with milk before sitting down at the table. " was up late last night..." Sherriff stated but Stiles knew he was saying it more like a question. His heart begun to pound as he wondered what his dad had heard last night. "Oh erm yeah...i had homework..." Stiles lied as he didn't meet his eyes, worried that he'd be able to see through his lies. "Hmm okay well make sure you remember to get some sleep too yeah?" he said briefly before placing his now empty coffee cup down on the counter. "Ermm yep...yeah I'll do that..." Stiles responded awkwardly as he practically inhaled his cereal.

"So you have a girlfriend yet?" Sherriff asked him suddenly as Stiles began to choke on his mouthful of cereal at the completely out the blue question. "God-erm n-no i haven't. Why you ask?" Stiles spluttered out after he managed to calm himself down, his dad now giving him a strange look at his reaction. "Oh that's unfortunate son, well anyway I best be heading off otherwise I'll be late." Sherriff replied while readjusting his belt and heading towards the door. Stiles nodded awkwardly at him in response as he felt relief at not being under scrutiny anymore. "Oh by the way, I'm working late tonight so I'll see you tomorrow!" His father shouted back as he left. Stiles let out a sigh of relief. Brilliant. His phone went off immediately as he noticed a text from Scott. It was time to go.

Stiles arrived at school speedily, pulling his jeep into a space with ease. He hopped out swiftly just as Scott arrived, pulling up next to him on his dirt bike. "Yoo bro!" Scott called after him excitedly as he ripped off his helmet. "Yo man." Stiles replied with a smile but he quickly got distracted. His gaze was focused on a particular strawberry blonde near the entrance. He watched bitterly as she seemed to be standing particularly close to a tall muscular jock. She was twirling her hair mindlessly as the guy talked to her, making Stiles' frustration grow. He watched her giggle at him and place a hand on his chest as he squinted his eyes at them, clutching his bag strap on his shoulder tighter as he watched. What was so fucking funny? Stiles was quickly dragged from his thoughts as Scott wafted his hands in front of his face, laughing at him in the process. "Dude are you good? you look like you want to kill someone!" Scott chuckled at him as Stiles laughed awkwardly. "Oh erm sorry i totally zoned out..." Stiles lied as Scott gave him a questionable look. "Right yeah okay lets go..." He said with a smile, but Stiles knew that he knew something was off, however, luckily for him he wasn't going to ask about it.

As they walked towards school, Stiles noticed that the jock and Lydia had disappeared and his jealousy burned. He was in such a difficult situation. Since as long as he could remember, he'd been on love with Lydia Martin, she'd been all he'd ever wanted. And as soon as the pair become friends and got closer, his love for her only got stronger. He watched her date jock after jock and had to watch from the side-lines as they broke her heart, he hated it. Until one day a few months back, she had kissed him during a panic attack. The moment was burned into his core memory as he recalled exactly how perfect it was. It changed everything. After the kiss, later that night, Lydia had come to his house, explaining to him just how confused the kiss had made her. That she was confused by where it left them, confused at how she felt about him and confused at how they should deal with their feelings for each other, but all she knew was that she wanted him. Then it began, their secret relationship that wasn't really a relationship. They kissed, cuddled and even had sex, but all in secret. No one else knew about their new 'relationship' but them and as much as Stiles adored actually getting to be with her, he hated that it was a secret.

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