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*So next chapter or so, I'm going to bring back something my readers of this book won't like... But you know it has to happen. :) It adds sadness, guilt, a huge depression, etc. Look forward to my next update, and I'm sorry I don't update quick enough!!!!*


(Caden's P.O.V.)

I ran out of the hut and tasted the warm, salty air. Things for Alex and I seem to be going to super well and this... This is just amazing! Who'd thought that me, a bullied boy would end up with someone so sweet and kind. Don't tell him, but, he's actually super cute sometimes.

"Hey Caden the trunks in the house now." Alex informs.

"Thanks." I mutter before turning around to go back to the hut.

"Hey, excuse me sir?" I hear someone yell.

I turn around to find a tall man with tan skin running towards me waving.

"Excuse me, but have we met somewhere before?" he asks breathing rapidly.

"No..." I reply unsure.

"Are you not Caden Nite the only son of the Nites'?" he questions with a slight grin and snicker.

Alex walks out and wraps his large arms around my body tightly.

"Is this guy annoying you?" he whispers with a slight irritation in his tone.

"No." I whisper back, kissing his cheek.

"I am indeed that Caden, but we've never met." I finally answer.

"Thanks for answering the question, see ya' soon." he replies with a plastic grin and quickly walks away.

I turn around and place my head on Alex's warm, bare chest to reduce my shaking.

"What was wrong with that man?" Alex huffed, running his fingers through my hair. "Let's go inside."

"Yea." I mumble.

As I begin to walk back to the hut, I feel the ground leave me and strong arms lift me up like a doll. I might as well enjoy him carrying me; I doubt it'll ever change. That guy... Have I seen him before?


I snap out of my thoughts as I hear my name being called out.

"Caden, stop being a Barbie doll and get out of your thoughts." Alex utters.

Something soft is beneath me and I feel a.... breeze?

"Why am I naked on a bed?"

"I said stop being a Barbie." he laughs seductively. "Or will I have to dress you?"

I stick out my tongue as he grabs my black and white trunks off the side of the bed and starts to dress me.

"I feel like a baby!" I laugh.

"You're my baby." he utters, kissing me gently on the lips. "Let's go swimming."

I'm actually surprised he held himself back... I swear. (He thought it would go like this~ He leans in closer to my face, till our breaths are mixing, but soon the gap is filled and is replaced with kisses. As he kisses me, his hands caress my sides making shivers run through my pale body. Soon soft, muffled moans escape my body as our tongues tangle together. My eyes widen as I feel his tip probing at my entrance.~ What a dirty boy :P)

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