The Word Love

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*New chapter, hope like it. I should really change my cover for this story, but I'm doing everything on my phone so it's hard. I'll try and make a better cover for you all soon!! :P Andy!!!*

[Caden P.O.V]

I pulled Alexander into the house quickly and slammed the door close.

"Funny how we live with each other." Alexander smiled and pulled me into a hug.

I snuggled my face into his strong chest; it was so warm and comfy. He was the first person to ever make me feel safe. Even his kisses feel warm, they "melt" me. I blushed at the thought of kissing Alexander and then violently pushed him away.

"I'm sorry..." I mumbled.

Alexander chuckled while I looked down. I felt blood rushing to my cheeks and felt the tears coming to my eyes. Why am I about to cry, he didn't do anything.

"Caden? I'm sorry, you're just so cute." he blushed.

I slowly looked up at him and smiled sticking my tongue out.

"Kidding!" I laughed.

"Don't do that, I thought I seriously made you cry... Punishment time!" Alexander yelled and grabbed my waist.

I screamed Alexander's name as he pulled me in closer. This dude is seriously taller than me! I was not expecting this to happen... I thought he was going to do something perverted. Alexander hugged me tightly and then threw me up into the air.

"Nooooo!!!!" I screamed.

I closed my eyes as I got closer to the floor; but instead of a hard crash landing, I landed into warm and muscular arms. I opened my eyes to find Alexander with a huge grin on his face.

"Want me to do it again?" He inquired.

"No, please don't." I stuttered.

He laughed and carried me to the living room. My face was a tomato red, and my heart was beating so rapid and the sound was unbearably loud by the time we got to the living room. He sat me down on the couch and then... just stared.

"What... do I have something on my face?" I blushed.

"No. It's just that.. You're too cute and I just realized how much I want to be with you." his cheeks turned a bright red and his midnight black hair was messy.

I pulled him down onto the couch and kissed him. Our tongues fought for dominance; of course I lost. Alexander's hand played with my bleach blonde hair as my hand roamed his toned chest. Suddenly he pushed me down causing me to lay on my back as he hovered over me. I moaned as he nibbled on my neck; his hair was messy and his eyes glowed from what little light the room had (sexy). Tears poured from my eyes as Alexander kissed me harder and sat me down on his lap. Everything just stopped instantly...

"I'm sorry." Alexander whispered as he ruffled my hair. "I didn't mean to scare you."

I buried my face into his chest and started to cry and repeated I'm sorry.

"Don't be." he mumbled. "Do you want to talk about it?" His voice was soft and warm.

I nodded as he hugged me tighter.

"Tell me anything you want anytime." he informed.

I pulled my wet face away from his chest and breathed in a deep and shaky breath.

"Before you came I was always alone. From the ages 5-14 a guy was my baby sitter, my parents had to work overseas again on my 5th birthday. This guy was nice for the first few months, but after he broke up with his girlfriend he became... violent and abusive."

Alexander's grip on my hand became tighter as he stared into my eyes.

"It started out as just abusive words. Then it went to pushing, hair pulling, kicks and punches. After that it went to threatening, black mail, and cutting. Then sexual abuse... This man acted normal in front of everyone, but when he was alone with me everything about him was a monster. The only free days I got were Thursdays and Sundays, but even that didn't last."

Tears formed into my eyes and I began to hyperventilate thinking about all the times that man sexually abused me.

"Caden you need to breath. Breath in and now breath out slowly." Alexander's face looked worried and scared.

He rubbed my back and hugged me.

"It's ok now, he's gone and I'm here to protect and love you." he whispered into my ear.

I nodded and looked up at him with teary eyes and a blushing face. He kissed me softly on the lips and combed through my hair with his fingers.

"I love you." he whispered.

"I... love-." he cut me off.

"You don't have to say it if you aren't ready." he smiled. "It's ok; I'll make you fall for me."

I giggled as his hair tickled my chin when he placed his head on my chest.

"Let's go to bed." He yawned and picked me up again in bridal style.

He walked to my room and laid me carefully down on the mattress then left. I got ready to go to bed and then heard the door open again as I was brushing my teeth. As I finished and walked out to my bed I saw Alexander lying on my bed and my dogs carefully watching him from the floor. What a scene...

"What are you doing here?" I nervously asked.

"Don't worry I won't do anything until you're ready. I came here to keep you company and to keep you warm." he said while reaching his arms out for me.

I ignored his invitation and laid on my bed. Alexander rolled over to me and placed his head on my chest.

"Caden you're so comfy and warm. I feel like I can stay here forever." he whispered.

My heart began to beat faster.

"Goodnight, I love you." he mumbled before drifting away.

"Goodnight. I love you too and thank you." I whispered.

*Yea it's kinda cheesy. Hope you like it still!! I want a cute relationship like this now, lol. Comment and stuff if you want. Hopefully I will write my next chapter soon; thanks for reading. Andy*

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