chapter 2

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"Piss off u jerks" I growled, 

Nick and his mates were shocked, I didn’t care, actually everyone was shocked, I turned my head around and all these faces were directly facing me, It was like a popular girl could never stick up for a shy unpopular guy.

"Chill babe" Nick jested,

"Don’t call me babe" I replied.

As I was walking late to class, Jai ran up to me.

"Um", he paused

"Why do you always say um, it so dorky" I asked

"It’s habit" he replied, "what I was going to say was thank you for sticking up for me" 

I smiled; well it was a fake smile,

"No problem but you need to know that we aren’t friends, we come from different planets, you do know were you belong don’t you" I asked

He then replied, "I guess"

"Yeah you belong with them okay, " I said, pointing towards the dorks, 

He then walked of with sad look on his face. 

unpopular (Ariana Grande and Jai Brooks)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora