"How long will you be gone?" Regina asked as she played with the engagement ring on her finger.

"Six months."

"Are you going to take that job in Texas?"

"Yes, and you're coming with me." Christian said and he placed his hand on top of her stilling their motion.

"Regina I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

"I love you too but my life is here I can't just leave my job or my dad not when we've gotten so close."

"Gina don't do this to me."

"Do what? I am telling you how I feel, something you have completely ignored. I am willing to wait for you to get back from Africa but you asking me to leave the people that I love and the business I helped build is too much." Regina said as she snatched her hands away from him.

"You're just scared." Christian said waving off what she had just said.

"I am not scared." She scoffed "I'm not going with you. I am not one of your maids you can just order around. I have a life here in New York; I have no intentions of leaving." Regina said as she folded her arms across her chest.

"What about us? We're supposed to get married."

"Not if I have to sacrifice everything I worked so hard for then no I won't marry you. You can do whatever the hell you want without me." Regina said as she held the door open for him to leave.

"Regina don't do this to me. Baby doll I love you."

"You really have a funny way of showing it. It's time for you to go."

Christian raked his hand through his hair as he stood up with a sigh.

"You're upset I get it, I'll talk to you in a few days."

"Don't bother I won't change my mind." Regina said pressing the engagement ring into his hand.

"Regina don't-"

"-have a nice life Dr. Grey"

Regina watched Christian walk out of her house and out of her life for what she thought was forever. Regina remembered breaking down after he left but she was determined not to let losing the love of her life be the end of her. Regina tossed herself into her work and finished her coursework to become a certified coordinator and never looked back. She dated very little and when she did each one ended in total disaster.

Regina pulled herself away from memory lane and busied herself with laundry in order to avoid thinking about her tumultuous relationship with Christian.

That Monday Regina had finished a joint consultation with Verity and had just sat down at her desk when there was a knock on the door. Regina looked up and saw Cookie with her usual brighten up the room smile.

"Hey Cookie, what are you doing here?" Regina said as she got up and hugged her.

"I came to ask you for a favor, this place is amazing by the way." Cookie said taking a seat.

"Thanks, so what's this favor?"

"Before I get to that I want to apologize for not hanging with you like I used to. After everything that happened between you and Christian I just-"

"-you didn't want to get caught in the middle, I understand."

"You know I gave him hell after I found out what happened. Mother and I tried to get him to talk to you but you know how stubborn he is. Even when he got back and ran into Verity and her husband at the Met I told him it was a sign."

"It doesn't matter Cookie." Regina trying to keep her from rambling.

"You're right it doesn't matter, it's his loss. I wanted to see if you could help me with my reception, I've been planning this whole wedding by myself and I am just wiped out. I don't know how you do it for a living."

"I would love to help you but I'm already doing a wedding for the same day."

"I'll change the day then, I've already changed it twice. No big deal. I really need your help mother is trying to make this all about her and you know how to handle her." Cookie said as she looked at Regina with pleading eyes. Regina hesitated with an answer as she tried to figure out if she could handle the situation.

"I-I don't know Cookie, I don't think I can-"

"-Oh I'm sorry Gina I wasn't thinking, it was stupid of me to ask." Cookie said as she looked like she was about to burst into tears.

Regina you are stronger than this. It's just the reception, you do this at it will prove that you are over him. Regina's conscience scolded.

"I'll do it." Regina said and a huge smile spread across Cookie's face.

"You will?"

"Yes I'll do it."

"Thank you Regina you're the best, I love you so much." Cookie said pulling Regina into a bear hug.

Regina and Cookie talk for a while about what Cookie wanted for the reception before Cookie left for her final dress fitting. Regina walked into Verity's office and sat down in front of her desk.

"Why didn't you tell me you saw Christian at the Met?" Regina asked and Verity froze for a few seconds before looking at her.

"Umm, I was kind of hoping you never had to find out."

"You didn't think I needed the heads up?"

"I was going to tell you."

"When," Regina said a little louder than she intended.

"Um, uh, on your deathbed," Verity said with a cringe.

"You should have told me, I was caught completely off guard."

"I told him to stay away, I didn't tell you because you would get upset and then you would start thinking about what happened. I just didn't want you to hurt any more than you already have."

"It's been three years you would think I would be over this by now." Regina said massaging her temples.

"It's not that easy when he's the first man you've ever loved I know. I went through it with Rashad, if it wasn't for Dimitri I'd still be a mess and probably bitter. I definitely don't want that for you." Verity said as she got up and sat next to Regina.

"Christian couldn't see that you we're the best thing that will ever happen to him he doesn't deserve a second thought."

Regina knew that Verity was right she deserved better. Regina made up in her mind that after she did Cookie's wedding she would tell Christian everything she needed to tell him and move on.

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