Taylor looked at me and shrugged. I could tell she really didn't care if they were gonna hangout with us or not.

At least Kylie isn't here.

"Oh." Was all I managed to say.
I on the other hand still wanted nothing to do with them.

Sure, it was nice hearing that they don't hate my guts and want the absolute worse for me, but the only reason that is, is because they've heard about me around the school.

They don't know me personally, they just know what they've heard.

Despite them are being nice right now, they were total assholes to me in the past. I don't like them.

But I'm not a problematic person, well I don't like to be. Drama pisses me off so I'm not going to stand here and hate on them all night. I'm just keeping my distance.

All of us continued talking and just tried having good times, it seemed to be working for everyone but me.

Multiple people came up to me asking how my life has been going or even just complimenting me on my outfit or hair.

This night was so close to being fun, but something was missing and I knew exactly what it was.

This whole week without him has been killing me inside. I want to be with him, and spend time with him. He's one of the only people that truly do make me happy.

I know he's frustrated with me for choosing Peytan over him but seriously, I just don't want anything bad happening to her.

For all I know, she could have been raped or molested by someone and she's going through it alone.

I know that at the end of the day, I'll always have Ethan, so if something bad is happening to my friend, I'm gonna try to be there for her.

Ethans gets set off easily when he doesn't get things he wants so he just overreacts all the time. He would be doing the exact same if it were Jeff or even Grayson in Peyton's position.

Things just aren't the same when I'm not with him though.

Like right now for example, I'm surrounded by a bunch of things that make the average teenager happy.

Beer, friends, music and a party. Yet, i still wasn't one hundred percent.

I pulled out my phone from my back pocket and pulled up Ethan's contact.

me: hey I miss you, what are you doing?

I put my phone down and continued to hangout with our little group that we had formed in the kitchen.

"Alyssa already finishing her beer? Wow, you drink fast for a girl." Drew raised his eyebrow.

"Oh really." She squinted at him, "that sounds like a challenge."

"You bet." He grabbed two beers and handed one of them to alyssa. "Someone count us down."

They both poked holes into the side of the beer can. "Three, two, one!"

They both started chugging while putting the can to their mouth and opening the top. "Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!" Everyone in the room started screaming.

Drew finished his and everyone groaned hoping that a girl would finally beat him. After a couple more seconds, alyssa threw hers onto the ground.

"Damn, you can keep up." Drew complimented her.
"Yeah, I know." She wiped the corner of her mouth.

"Let's get a picture for Snapchat." He pulled out his phone and handed it to Duke.

Bad Taste (book 1)Where stories live. Discover now