Last Greenie...

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Sorry that this chapter is so bad! It'll try to edit bits of it if I have any spare time!

Newt's POV:
After the incident with Gally at lunch, Alby decided to let Y/N and I spend the rest of the day inside her hut. And I was happy about that. I feel more relaxed when I know she is in the safety of her hut. Especially if I am there with her.
As I sit on her bed, twiddling my thumbs, Y/N sits down next to me and places her head in my shoulder. She seems awfully tired, and who could blame her. She's had a lot going on recently, I mean with Gally coming back, Chuck finding out he's a werewolf and trying to find out why her eyes are red but Chuck's, Alby's and a few of the others are yellow.
"You alright, love?" I ask her, even though I know she's not.
"I don't know... maybe... not really, I just feel lost and confused. I don't know what's going to happen next" She begins, sighting.
"I mean, everything used to be so normal, a new Greenie came up on the same day, every month. And now, we've had two in one month, and one of them just had to be Gally."
"It's alright, love, Gally can't hurt you anymore. Plus, if you don't want to go back to working tomorrow, you don't have to! I'll just tell Gally you aren't ready yet." I try to reassure her, I can feel her heavy breathing against my neck.
"No, it's ok. I want to go back to working tomorrow, maybe it'll keep Gally and everything else off my mind for a while." She replies.
"Alright love." I say, cupping her face and kissing her passionately, within an instant, she's kissing me back too. I run my hand down hair back, being gentle over all her scars. She runs her hand through my hair, the other one is cupping my face.
Suddenly, we are interrupted by screaming. It sounds like Thomas, but I'm not sure.
"Bloody hell, what now?" I groan, standing up and walking towards the door, Y/N following behind me. As I pull the door open, I see Thomas being chased by Ben, he is running as fast as he can across the Glade. I run after them, Y/N following behind. She runs straight past me, and tackles Ben to the ground. She growls at him, her eyes glowing bright red. Ben stops struggling and whimpers in fear, Y/N is like the boss around here, and when she growls, you know your in trouble.
Y/N helps herself up, whilst Alby, Winston, Zart and I hold down each of Ben's limbs.
"Lift up his shirt!" Alby commands. I hesitate before grabbing the bottom of Ben's shirt and lift it up, to show his lower abdomen has been stung by a Griever, the black liquid already travelling through his veins towards his chest and in his arms.
"He's been stung? In the broad daylight?" I hear Y/N question behind me.
"Take him to the Slammer!" I command, I gesture to Jeff, who takes his leg from me as they drag him off towards his jail cell.
"He'll be banished tonight at sundown!" Alby shouts back to us, before he carry's on dragging Ben's struggling body towards the Slammer. A sense of da ja vu hits me. This is what happened to Y/N three years ago with Gally.
"Everyone! To the town hall now! And someone bring Gally from the Pit!" I order, most of the Glader's run off towards the Council House, others towards the Pit.

After about an hour, I am standing in front of all the Glader's inside the Council House with Alby. Minho has just gotten back from the Maze, Y/N quickly informing her brother about the situation. I glance up at her, smiling, which she returns. However, her smile soon disappears when Gally is dragged in and tied to a chair by Zart and Jeff.
"I have called this meeting because we need to figure out what we are going to do with Gally!" Alby announces.
"I propose that we-" Minho begins, ready to say he's going to kill him or he's going to say something really sarcastic and stupid. However, there Box alarm interrupts his speech.
"What the?!" Alby says under this breath, standing up alongside me. Y/N stands up too, pulling Minho and Chuck up with her, who then pulls up Thomas. Alby bursts out of the Council House, me following behind him. Jeff and Zart grab a hold of Gally and lead him back to the Pit. I hear Y/N, Minho and Chuck's familiar footsteps behind us.
As we reach the centre of the Glade, the doors of the Box are already open. I jump down into it.
It's a girl.
She's lying perfectly still at the bottom of the Box. Her raven black hair covering the majority of her pale face. She's so pale that she looks as if she's dead. I can't hear her heartbeat either, even when using my ears.
"Maybe she is dead..." I think to myself
"What do you see down there, Newt?" Y/N shouts down to me as she reaches the edge of the Box. I look up at her in confusion.
"It's a girl... and I think she's dead..." I reply
Murmurs turn into shouts, thoughts turn into words, statements turn into questions.
"What's in her hand?" Alby asks. I bend down and gently pull an old piece of paper from out of it. I unroll it. Scrawled across the paper in thick black letters are five words:
"She's the last one ever...what the hell does that mean?" I ask
Confusion begins filling my head. Just as Alby opens his mouth to answer. The girl shoots up off the floor of the Box, breathing very heavily. Her eyes are a bright blue colour, but as she breathes heavier, they begin to glow a fierce amber colour, almost like fire. She says one, single word, before her eyes roll back and she falls down again unconscious;

Hey guys!
Sorry that this chapter is so bad! I've been really busy lately with homework being emailed through since school is still cancelled due to the amount of snow from Siberia!
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter though!
The next chapter will be about Y/N's Birthday surprise seeing as it's one of the only things that Minho can remember when he entered the Maze!
That should be coming out tomorrow, (05/04/2018)!
Hope your enjoying the book so far!
See ya guys later!
~ Author :)

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