The Glade...

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Y/N's POV:
Newt helped me out of the Box. As my bare feet hit the soft, emerald grass, my weak legs have way under me. I fell backwards. Newt caught me in his arms, his hands gripping around me for extra support.
As he helped me to my feet, a young, chubby boy with curly hair began to say something in a singing like voice. My eyes were still ringing so I couldn't really here a word he was saying. The poor thing. He only looked around 10. He was clearly the youngest, and most immature boy here.
"Where am I?" I asked, quiet but very confused. Slowly, a sense of curiosity was taking over, as if it was running through my blood, infecting me, like a deadly disease.
"It's alright, Love..." I heard Newt begin, his voice making my heart skip a beat. Did he just call me love? What did he mean by that? "This is our home. We call it the Glade." He said, a small smirk of a smile appearing on his thin, pale face.
As I scanned the area I was in, I felt a sense of familiarity hit me, as if I had just walked into a brick wall.
The large, ivy vine covered walls stood hundreds of metres high, with no way up or down. No ladder, no rope. Nothing.
The smell of the grass wafted into my nose.
To the southeast, stood a large, dark forest, with trees that stood so tall, they created a canopy of green, with nothing but almost black underneath.
There were large wooden buildings towards the northeast, some were two storeys high, others were three. A number of them had no windows, most had ones with gaps where glass would would replace a blank sheet of air.
One building stood taller than the rest. It was around four storeys high and made of cracked stone. All it's windows were smashed and it's door was boarded over.
Towards the southwest was a fenced square, with a small, open gate. There were crosses inside it, well, it was more like two pieces of scrap wood, tied together with long pieces of rope or twine.
It was a graveyard.
Directly north to were I stood, there was a small building on the other side of the field. It was made of wood and only had one floor, no windows or doors. As if it had been abandoned many years ago.
The familiar sounds of cows mooing, chickens clucking and goats bleeting came from a paddock, with fences around two metres high. Making sure the animals couldn't escape.
Towards the western corner, stands a tent like building, with a cone shape for a roof made out of fabric which is pinned into the ground.
Finally, as I looked to the four walls that surrounded the Glade, I noticed a gap in one of the walls, sort of like a door. I stared at it for a moment, mesmerised, before snapping g myself out of it.
As I turned back to face Newt and the rest of the boys. I realised they were staring at me. A few murmurs floated through the air from here and there.
"I think..." I began to say. My voice sounded coarse and almost harsh from the lack of water.
"I think I've been here before" I said, trying to hide the fear in my voice.
Very quickly, murmurs became yells.
Statements became a series of unanswerable questions. Calm and quiet became chaotic and catastrophic.
I panicked. My breath became quicker and quicker until I began to hyperventilate. I didn't have the slightest clue on what to do, how to act or what to say. My first instinct was to scream, but my throat stung too much to do so. I felt a buzzing sensation run down through my legs, as if my brain was telling me exactly what to do.
So I ran.
My short legs soon picking up a huge amount of speed, a lot more and a lot faster than I was actually expecting . I ran towards the forest, hoping to climb the tallest tree there and never come back down to Earth. Maybe I would see a way out of this place. I heard footsteps behind me, I turned my head slightly to see who it was. It was Newt, and he was catching up speed, and fast. However, not quite fast enough. I managed to reach the edge forest within seconds, I hesitated for a second before running into the darkness.
I looked up to see a tree which had a wooden platform within its leaves, with a small ladder that was build into the trunk of the large tree.
I began scrambling up a tree and decided to hide within the leaves.
My fear suddenly took over. I have hundreds of questions with no answers. I have no idea where I am or who my family are. And I have no idea who I can trust anymore
I began to cry, salty tears streaming down my face in fear.
I want to scream. I want to know who I am, who Minho is, who my family are, where I am.
I want to die.

Hey guys,
I wrote a really long one today, (22/02/2018), because the chapter I wrote yesterday was quite short and wasn't really my best work. In the next chapter is when Newt finds Y/N in the forest and try's to help get out. Hope your enjoying the story so far, I know it's a little rough around the edges but it's my first story about the Maze Runner so yeah.
Hope you enjoy!
~ Author :)

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