It's A Girl...

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Newt's POV:
It was a girl...
After the two months we'd all been here, there'd never been a girl. Not ever. Now that doesn't seem like long, but to us Gladers, it feels like years.
"Well that's not bloody weird at all" I sarcastically said to Alby. We'd all voted to make Alby the leader as soon as we got here. Mostly because he was definitely the oldest here, even though I was taller. He'd made me second-in-command the next day.
As I jumped into the box to take a closer look at her, I was stunned. My mouth hanging open, gawping at her beauty. She was gorgeous. She only looked to be 14, around my age I believed.
She quickly shrank backwards into the dark corner of the Box.
I quickly became worried.
Had I scared here?
Did she remember me?
I calmed myself before doing anything, I took a moment before reaching my hand out towards her, trying to hide the dirty, blood-stained bandages around my wrists.
"Don't be scared, love. You're perfectly safe here. No ones going to hurt you, not whilst I'm here." I said, "My names Newt, I'm second-in-command, and this is Alby, he's our leader."
She began to speak in a quiet voice, "I'm Y/N.."
How could she remember her name already? The rest of us took a few days to remember ours, including Alby.
As my brain came to realise one simple thing, many questions entered my head.
Why were there no other girls in the Glade?
And why her?
As the questions kept filling into my head, and with none of them coming with any actual answers, my head began to throb. I had no clue what to do, or say or how to act. I don't remember the last time I spoke to a girl. I pushed the pain aside for the time being.
My heart skipped a beat. Her E/C eyes shone in the sunlight as the stared blankly at me, whilst her H/C hair stuck out on every side and every angle possible, blowing in the breeze.
I felt a connection to her. Not like family. I don't know how to describe it. I just knew that I'd never forget this feeling. Ever.
"Yo Shank! What's going on down there?" Someone called.
I spun around to see all 15 of the boys heads staring at me, many with confused or scared faces. Murmurs began to grow in shouts around the Box.
"Shut up you stupid shanks before I throw all of you off the Cliff, your scaring the poor thing!" He yelled at them, and very quickly, shouts turned to silence.
Alby lifted his two fingers, before lightly tapping me on the shoulder.
"Go on Newt, tell em'!" He said, a sound of anger but also tension in his voice.
I began to say with a tone of confusion in my own voice, " It's a girl..."
She took a moment of her own, before taking my still reached out hand. As I helped her climb out of the Box, she fell backwards, most likely from exhaustion, and landed in my arms. I gripped my hand around her arm to steady her, before helping her safely to her feet.
"Newtie's got a girlfriend!!!! Ooo ooo!!!!" Sang Chuck, a small chubby boy with curly brown hair and little chubby cheeks. Chuck was the first Greenie into the Glade, that's what we call the newbies around here. He was the youngest so far, only about 10 so we thought.
"Bloody hell Chuck, shut up for once would ya?" I yelled back.
I turned back to the girl, who'd I learnt was called Y/N. She was staring, her eyes moving rapidly, scanning the Glade and the rest of her surroundings, like we'd all done just two months before. Her head spun around, moving from the Deadheads to the large stone walls which stood hundreds of feet high and were covered in strong, ivy. Silence quickly spread across the Glade, like a highly contagious disease, with only the sounds of the bleeting goats in the background.
Suddenly, speaking in a quiet yet panicked voice, she said;
"I think I've been here before..."

Hey guys!
Sorry that this chapter is so bad and so late, (21/02/2018). I didn't have much time on the bus journey to write and edit a full chapter so thank you so much for you patience. I really hope you guys are enjoying the book so far! And don't worry! Like I said in the description, Teen Wolf story ideas will be added in the next few chapters.
The next chapter is Y/N's perspective when she's seeing the Glade for the very first time and is meeting the other Glader's.
Also I put the dates so when I look back at this story I'll remember when I wrote it to see if I have improved and also how quickly.
Hope you enjoy!
~ Author :)

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