The Banshee...

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Y/N's POV:
Alby decided it was better if I stayed in my hut for the rest of the day with Minho, for extra protection in case Gally escaped from the pit before his banishment sun down.
We sit in silence. I am worrying about Newt too much to breathe, let alone talk to Minho, even if he is my brother. After a while, I begin to cry. I hate this place. I hate Gally. I hate the Maze. I hate whoever put us here. They made Newt make a horrible decision that may have killed him. Minho rests his hand on my knee, trying to comfort me as the salt tears continue streaming down my face.
"Hey, shhhh, it's ok" He whispers, pulling me into a tight hug,
"Newt's gonna be ok, I promise you that Y/N, he'll fight to stay alive, just for you, I know it!" He exclaims, a cheesy grin forming across his face. I wriggle out from his grip and push him away.
"He won't fight to stay alive! Not for me!" I shout, surprising myself with the emotion in my voice, I think it surprised Minho too.
"He just jumped off a wall of the Maze! Without even telling me what was wrong! He doesn't care about me Minho! He just doesn't!"
"But he does, Y/N! As soon as you arrived in that Box, he spoke about you non-stop!" He begins to explain.
"Every minute of every day, he was talking about you! Saying how beautiful you are! And about how much he loves you, Y/N! He does care! I promise you that!"
We sit back down at the silence resumes.
After a few moments, Minho asks me; "How can you scream so loud? I mean, what you did back there, that scream? It was awesome! Especially when you knocked Gally right of his feet." He begins laughing, and I laugh along with him.
"I don't really know why I can scream that loud, I just get this feeling whenever my emotions or sounds are too much or are two loud for me to handle, so I scream." I explain to him.
"I can hear things that no one else can, like whispers, they make my brain rattle inside my skull and it makes my ears ring, and when I scream, the pain goes away, almost as if it's like, soothing me then, I don't know what wrong with me and... I'm scared, Minho." Just before Minho gets a chance to say anything, Alby walks into my hut. I stand up quickly, worrying about Newt.
"Well?" I ask Alby. He stands there, rocking back and forth on his heels.
"He's gonna be ok, except, he's broken his leg, we're not sure he's ever gonna be able to walk properly again..." He trails off, saddened by the news.
"What do you mean he'll never walk properly again? Will he just have a constant limp forever?" I ask, I want to scream again, but I can't. I can't build up enough power to scream, I am already exhausted from before.
"Yes, he will have a constant limp, unless he gets professional help from a real doctor, then yes." He replies, I sigh.
"Well, can I still see him?" I ask, I'm really worrying about him now. How will he manage with a limp for the rest of his life?
"Not quite yet, Missy, we need to talk about that scream earlier, and I think I can help." Alby replies.
"What do you mean? How can you help?" I ask curiously.
Alby returns a minute later, slamming a large book onto the table. It's old, the blue leather is torn at top right hand corner and the rest of them have some kind of silver plating on them. It the centre, close to the top, the word "Bestiary" has been imprinted into silver, swirly hand writing.
"This was next to you when you came up in the Box the other day, I've kept it hidden from the other Gladers for now."
Alby opens the book at a folded corner, with the information on a creature known as a Banshee. I read down the page, and stop suddenly, then I begin to read out loud.
"The term of Banshee comes from an Irish Legend. It it known as a female spirit whose wailing can warn of a death in any situation. This is why many Banshee's are known as Screamers if they are in pain or are stressed." I sigh a breathe of relief.
"Maybe this is why I've been screaming, but if it is, then who's going to die?" I ask, scared of my own self and my powers.
"Maybe Gally, I mean, if we are banishing him at sundown, that could mean Y/N is predicting his death inside the Maze..." Minho begins.
"I mean, that has to be the most obvious explanation right Alby?" He asks.
"Yes maybe Minho, but there's one more thing we're forgetting here..." Alby begins, he starts to finish his sentence before I interrupt him.
"I screamed twice."

Hey guys!
Hope you enjoyed this chapter about what Y/N really is! A Banshee! Or a wailing woman!
The next chapter will be when Y/N goes to visit Newt in the infirmary!
That should be coming out tomorrow morning or night, (1/03/2018)!
Also, I'm so sorry this chapter is late, we have had a lot of snow and temperatures of around -15 Celsius in the Uk so it's been effecting the power and my Wi-Fi, meaning I haven't been able to publish this chapter.
Comment if any of you guys have got snow and how cold it is where you guys live.
Hope your enjoying the book so far!
I didn't realise how long it was gonna be but I promise we will skip three years to meet Thomas and Teresa soon!
See ya guys later!
~ Author :)

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