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Y/N's POV:
Whilst Newt is almost literally dragging me across the Glade, I breathe in the crisp, fresh air of the morning sunrise.
"Come on! It's pancake day! You gotta hurry up or Fry won't give us any breakfast, let alone pancakes!" Newt shouts to me, still dragging me towards a large seating area with a small hut and an open window area where glass would normally be. I'm guessing that's were we are gonna have pancakes, whatever those are. Obviously I couldn't remember anything before the Glade so I didn't even know if I'd had a pancake before. Or if I even like them.
"They must be nice then," I say to Newt, "Seeing as your literally dragging me over to try one." He laughs.
"Oh yeah they're good! In fact, they are the best item of food that Fry cooks! They're so delicious and so sweet!" He explains to me.
"Who's Fry?" I ask him, I am still very curious but I am excited to meet every in the Glade.
"Oh right, Frypans our cook, I call him Fry for short, makes it easier to say to all the Newbies around here" He continues
"He was one of the original Glader's, along with me, Minho, Alby, Ben ,Winston and a few of the others around here. We were the first ones here. And then every month on the same day, a new Greenie comes up in the Box, just like you did."
"Oh ok then..." I say quietly, quite shocked at the explanation he just gave me, they've been here for two months already? How haven't they killed one another yet? It's still all very confusing to me, but I guess that's their secret to tell.
"What about Chuck? When did he arrive in the Glade? Didn't he arrive with the rest of you?" I ask, still curious about this place.
"Nope, poor bugger, he didn't arrive with us." He begins
"Chuck was the first Glader's to come up in the Box a month after we all arrived. Chuck was the first Greenie." He says to me, a tone of sadness in his voice, I could tell he felt sorry for Chuck.
"Can I ask you something?" I say to Newt.
"Of course, love, ask away" He replies, a grin spreading across his olive coloured face.
"Do you ever wonder, if the names we actually remember, aren't what we were called by our parents at all?" I ask him,
"I mean, your name might not have been Newt originally, same with Alby, Frypan, Chuck, ya know? Everyone else here?" A puzzled look crosses his face.
"I guess I've never really thought about it like that before, I guess I've just always assumed that my name was Newt because it was the only thing I could remember, maybe your right Y/N..."
I then begin to wonder, maybe I'm not called Y/N at all, maybe I'm called something else, but I just cant remember. But why I remember a fake name and Minho, but not my real name? Why would whoever put us here, make us forget our real names? Our past lives? Our families? Our friends? How could someone be as cruel as that.
We sit down at a table, with Chuck, Alby and a Asian looking boy, with dark olive coloured skin, brown eyes and sleek black hair that is standing up by itself, as if defying the laws of gravity. He looked oddly familiar, but I couldn't put a name to his face.
Newt returns within a matter of moments with two plates of what I guess are rolled up pancakes, which are oozing with syrup. As I begin to scoff them up, Newt taps me on the shoulder. I swallow the last piece of my pancakes and turn to look at him.
"Y/N, this is Minho..." He says, gesturing with his head to the Asian boy, who only looked around 15.
"Minho, this is Y/N, the only thing she could remember when she came up in the Box was her name..." He pauses for a moment, unsure whether to tell him the truth, but he does.
"And yours...." He says hesitantly.
Minho looks me up and down, then smiles.
"I know why you remember my name, Y/N," He begins, a smirk crossing his face as he speaks. I sat up, staring at him, how did he remember who I was? Was that the only thing he remembered? Did he remember his past? His family? Anything? He continues what he is saying. And what he says, is something I will never forget, as long as I live.
"It's because, Y/N, your my little sister..."

Hey guys! So you probably saw that coming, I guess I didn't make it very hidden but oh well! I wanted to make Minho Y/N's brother because he is a total sass queen and I also want him to add more depth to Y/N and Newts relationships as the book goes on. Also, many people know that Chuck actually arrives a month before Thomas does. However, I wanted to add him earlier so that he could become like Y/N's little brother! The next chapter will be about why Y/N can scream so loud and what she is too. That should be coming out either tonight (25/02/2018), or tomorrow morning, (26/02/2018). Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!
See ya guys!
~ Author :)

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