Chapter 16*

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"You brought the Altean prince right to me. Maybe I won't punish you tonight after all." Lotor grinned.

I froze as Lotor approached us.

Wake up Keith! He's heading straight for Lance.

I came out of my cryo state and instinctively jumped in front of Lance. Shielding him with my body. My sword raised steadily in my hands. Lotor stopped in his tracks. The guards behind him drew their swords.

"You realize the punishment for turning against me?" Lotor raised a white brow as he held up his hand holding off his men.

"I won't let you hurt him." I spoke through my teeth. I was glaring at him, but what I was really doing was taking into count how many men were behind him and where they were standing. I was calculating our odds. They weren't good, but I would not let them get to Lance.

Over my dead body.

Lotor sighed and crossed his arms over his chest. His yellow eyes were full of rage. His face losing its calm demeanor.

He's pissed.

"After everything I did for you. This is how you repay me? You turn your back on me for an Altean?" Lotor's usually stern but smooth voice broke as his temper flared.

He's really pissed.

This is good. Emotion makes you act on impulse. Which loses your focus, and that will get you killed.

"I love him. I'm not gonna let you hurt him." I repeated raising my sword defensively.

Lotor motioned for his guards to step forward. Before they could reach us Shiro, Matt, and Pidge stepped forward with their weapons drawn ready for a fight.

"I won't let you hurt my brother anymore Lotor." Shiro spoke beside me standing shoulder to shoulder as an ally.

Lotor narrowed his eyes at Shiro a moment before he laughed.

"Oh I remember you. You were that pathetic halfling that tried to save your pathetic family." Lotor sobered and shot him a taunting look.
"You've failed to protect him from the start. Look what I made him. He's my weapon, my slave, my puppet. He belongs to me." Lotor grinned baring his pointed teeth.

"No, he belongs to me." Lance spoke stepping forward. I froze in fear and surprise.

What the fuck is he doing!?

"Lance-" Pidge started for.him, but Matt held her back.

"He saved my life defying your orders. He stayed with me never once threatening me. He taught me how to fight and defend those that I care about.
He took the fall for something completely out of his control. He put up with your abuse so you wouldn't hurt anyone else. He's brave, smart, sweet, and caring. Things I'm sure you didn't teach him.
I love him, and I am not going to let him go without a fight." Lance stood toe to toe with Lotor. Shiro gripped his hooded cape trying to drag him back. The guards were on edge as Lance approached Lotor with every word.

Lotor glared at Lance. His hand still in the air holding off his men. I was still too frozen to move to even think.

Come on Keith! Move it!

Lotor raised his sword waving off his guard. Lance flinched as stell alid from the scabbard at his waist. At Lance's moment of panic I finally felt my legs moving.

I ran. My feet feeling as though they were trapped in cement trudged forward. My eyes on Lance. Time seemed to slow as I moved toward him. My vision tunneled seeing only him. His face. The fear on his handsome face.

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