Chapter 10*

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It had been several weeks since Keith was exiled. I hadn't heard from him or heard word of him anywhere from any of my spies. He completely went off grid.

I suppose that is Lotor's doing.

I shook my head.

No I can't think like that. He must be hiding somewhere.

Images of his face as I turned my back on him flashed before my eyes. Guilt washed through me. I betrayed his trust just minutes after telling him I loved him.

"Gods I'm such a jerk." I muttered running my hands through my hair.

"Well yeah, are you just figuring that out?"

I turned to see Pidge leaning against the doorframe to my room. She raised a brow and smirked knowingly.

"Hey Pidge." I sighed waving carelessly.

"You still moping?" She asked plopping onto my bed beside me.

I lay back imitating her huff of aggravation. Our heads facing each other as my legs dangled off of the edge of the bed. Pidge was much shorter than me and just reached the edge of my large bed even short ways.

"Do you think he's okay?" I asked trying to hide the sound of desperation in my voice.

I'd give anything to see him again.

"My brother has been scouting farther and farther through the borders, but there is no sign of him. I don't think he wants to be found." Pidge pursed her lips.

I don't blame him.

Before I could answer she continued.

"From the little I've spoken to him I got the impression that he can take care of himself. I'm sure he's fine Lance. When he wants to be found, you will know." Pidge shrugged.

"I can't help but feel guilty. I was horrible to him. I betrayed his trust and turned my back on him. What kind of person am I?" I asked staring at the canopy above.

"That's something only you can answer bud. If it makes you feel better I don't think you are a horrible person. I think you were just confused and scared. Everything will work itself out. " Pidge propped herself up on her elbows and cocked her head to the side studying me to see if her pep talk worked.

I smiled halfheartedly. It kinda had.

"Thanks Pidge."

She saluted me and scooted off of the bed before leaving me alone with my thoughts. I lay there for a while staring at the canopy above.

I wish I could talk to him. Just to know he's okay.

I want him to know I am sorry. Even if he doesn't accept my apology...I wouldn't blame him if he didn't.

I just want him to know.

There had to be a way to contact him. I hopped off of the bed and hurried down the corridors to Shiro's study throwing the doors open without knocking first. Shiro lifted his head in surprise.

"Lance? What's wrong?" He asked standing.

"Can we talk?" I twiddled my thumbs nervously.

"Sure, what's going on?" Shiro gestured to the seat before his desk.

I took the seat and frowned.

"I'm really worried about Keith. I should have heard something from him by now. I understand why he won't talk to me, but I just need to know he's okay." I rushed out in a single breath.

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